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  1. R

    Where To Buy 400mh?

    does nobody own a 400w mh?
  2. R

    Severe curling under of leaves...HELP!!

    took out the a/c today. see if any improvments happen in the next few days
  3. R

    Severe curling under of leaves...HELP!!

    much thanks, i put one outside to flower (in hawaii we can flower some strains year round) and it quickly grew out of this condition while the others still suffer the same problems. it must be something to do with the grow environment i am providing. temperature fluctuation or maybe my window...
  4. R

    Severe curling under of leaves...HELP!!

    thanks cultivationart, i appreciate the help. i watered the plants and the soil had a 6.5 runoff but i flushed them anyway with some clearex. im having a hard time figuring this one out.
  5. R

    Severe curling under of leaves...HELP!!

    took so long for anyone to answer that, thanks old goat! ill be sure to do that! i got some other brothers i have to leave some feedback for
  6. R

    Severe curling under of leaves...HELP!!

    i wanna plus rep someone sooo bad, i just dont know how!!....... HELP!!!!
  7. R

    Tips on light proofing ?

    a pin prick of light is alright as long as there isnt a frickin spotlight on the other side of the hole.... if that were the case plants wouldnt flower under any moonlight. the amount of light given off by the moon is acceptable.
  8. R

    Tips on light proofing ?

    the black plastic in hardware stores will most likely be in the garden section. it comes in a roll, designed for weatherproofing, insulating, and light proofing. people also use it to lay over garden beds to prevent weeds
  9. R

    Where To Buy 400mh?

    anyone?..... anyone?.....
  10. R

    Hawaii Growers

    aloha rollitup ohana! does anyone have a 400watt mh they want to part with? PM me with what you have and your asking price. mahalo nui!
  11. R

    Where To Buy 400mh?

    any suggestions on a decent, cost efficient system on the internet? mahalo!
  12. R

    Tips on light proofing ?

    i always use a thick black non-toxic plastic you can find at any hardware store. completely lightproof and very inexpensive. the one i get comes in a roll that is 10'x25' for around 15 bucks. just grab some velcro tabs while youre at the hardware store and youre good to go! good luck and aloha!
  13. R

    Severe curling under of leaves...HELP!!

    Thanks Farmer tom, i think when my ac is off i dont get sufficient air intake. would that make the plants look like that? thanks brick top, very useful information. best nitrogen claw tip i have heard! mahalo! Indio, i also have had a couple plants grow out of this condition into...
  14. R

    Severe curling under of leaves...HELP!!

    Thanks kartoon, your probably right. know any small inexpensive dehumididiers worth investing in? And how do I plus rep you helpful brothers?
  15. R

    Severe curling under of leaves...HELP!!

    shameless bump...
  16. R

    Severe curling under of leaves...HELP!!

    if your plants are on an alternating neuts and water and your ph is constantly supervised, can you still end up with a ph issue in the soil??
  17. R

    Severe curling under of leaves...HELP!!

    nitrogen claw.... i gotta read up about that. but i havent fed any nutes in a while, only ph'd water. and still no improvements! the problem has only gotten worst! wtf??
  18. R

    Severe curling under of leaves...HELP!!

    Does an A/c usually lower humidity? I feel my rooms humidity is high for having am ac in it. Will excessive humidity do this to leaves?
  19. R

    Severe curling under of leaves...HELP!!

    i read that if there is a calcium deficiency and humidity is maxed out, the leaves will claw under. does this look like a calcium deficiency?
  20. R

    Severe curling under of leaves...HELP!!

    i believe the ph is okay. i havent calibrated my ph pen in a while but i doubt that is the problem. i will check the runoff and see what im working with. i also turned off the ac to see if that will help.