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  1. erbinwarrior

    didn u know

    fim means fuck i missed n thaTS TRUE folks
  2. erbinwarrior

    Mmj Today

    hi buds did anyone ever know of mmjtoday website from a couple of years ago only a few would know it thoose who know of it please drop me a line thanks
  3. erbinwarrior

    Please Help!! Is this a Fungus?

    how has the girl been looked after as stress can cause this and incorrect feeding, temp,conditions a good air flow ,strict feeding ,happy conditions is a must . is your girl in a greenhouse by any chance
  4. erbinwarrior

    hi folks n farmers

    hi to all just getting back in to all this after a loss of a good bud herbin cowboy or mojave dave if anyone knows of him if please contact me