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  1. takenthegreen

    Help with plants. Things keep getting worse

    Ok So I posted my plants the other day when the spots and yellowing began I was told to flush them with well ph balanced water and lay off the nutes I did. I havent fed them in about a week and I only water when the pots feel as light as they did when orginally dry but they have not...
  2. takenthegreen

    Help What is wrong with my plant

    anyone else I don't know if I should flush them or are they already over watered
  3. takenthegreen

    Help What is wrong with my plant

    Ok that is only one of the plants the poor things were already damaged by a nasty fungus fly infestation which I beat but it definitely inhibited their growth. They completed bounce back from that all yellow leaves fell off and I only had good growth from there on except none of my leaves were...
  4. takenthegreen

    Help What is wrong with my plant

    I have three autoflowers about 9 weeks old all of them are doing great except for this one. I have looked around and cant pin point what might be wrong with it. I water when needed based on the weight of the pot they are under 20/4 150hps with 2 24watt hot5 I fert with big bloom every 2 weeks.
  5. takenthegreen

    Help with Fungus Gnats

    yep its the MG problem I'm picking up foxfarm organic soil on the way home for the next grow set once I've got these fuckers under control. I will post pictures tonight of the damage to the plants hoping because their autos that they can still be saved.
  6. takenthegreen

    Help with Fungus Gnats

    The size of the room is about 18' deep and 3' wide its a closet. The hours issue is they are on a timer and only go off when I'm not home will changing the light schedule on autos cause me major problems. Also if I follow one of these solution guides should I be feeding these plants to help...
  7. takenthegreen

    Help with Fungus Gnats

    Ok but my problem is lights off is limited to 4 hours a day as these plants are all autoflowers.
  8. takenthegreen

    Help with Fungus Gnats

    wait I thought he said to water the soil with it to kill the larvae. What is the spray for?
  9. takenthegreen

    Help with Fungus Gnats

    Ok I purchased the neem oil from petco they had it labeled as 100% organic neem oil for fleas and ticks how should I dilute this for use?
  10. takenthegreen

    Help with Fungus Gnats

    SO I've read every post on here and basically dried my plants out for 5 days I have been manually killing all adults I can find. Along with fly strips and paper plates cut out to cover the tops of the pots. Today is the first day I can not find a single adult flying around my grow room or in the...
  11. takenthegreen

    Need some Opinions on my Autos

    Ok thanks I dont think I have room to keep them in much larger than a 2 gallon pot and I would have to raise the light quite high up so they can all at least get some exposure no intense exposure like they are getting now. Any suggestions my closet is extremely small 16" deep and maybe 3' wide...
  12. takenthegreen

    Need some Opinions on my Autos

    Are they suppose to be this small considering they will be done in 2 months or less?
  13. takenthegreen

    Need some Opinions on my Autos

    Ok so I got a random pack of auto flowers from attitude seeds and started 3 about 2 weeks ago no issues so far except on plant had some abnormal leafs like 6 instead of 7 missing the center leaf. No big deal. The weird thing to me is at 2 weeks old their already showing sex all females. Amen...
  14. takenthegreen

    Problems with Leaves

    Anyone?? I plan on changing soil when transplanting
  15. takenthegreen

    Problems with Leaves

    Ok so my problem is overwatering and poor soil?
  16. takenthegreen

    Problems with Leaves

    Ok kewl yeh I didnt start them in the MG Organic I started in MG Seed Starting mix then moved from jiffy greenhouse to red cups with MG Organic I have one more move to go. I grow out side year round near me so I am technically a noob when it comes to indoor growing. As for the drainage no rocks...
  17. takenthegreen

    Problems with Leaves

    They've been growing extremely well no issues with that just the discoloration of the leaves and the spotting. Plus what are other suggested soils that fox farm stuff is not sold any where locally.
  18. takenthegreen

    Problems with Leaves

    Ph of water is fine I used my testing kit I have for my fish tanks and the water is 6.1 on the dot.
  19. takenthegreen

    Problems with Leaves

    Yes I did provide drainage for the cups. I have a mini 6" fan above the light blowing down on top of the light.I very rarely close the door to the closet as its in an extra room.
  20. takenthegreen

    Problems with Leaves

    Soil Organic Miracle Gro Water when soil becomes dry typically once a day. No Nutes as of yet can you suggest anything.