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  1. maverik713

    Grow Video's

    I've lurked for a while, learning all the way, and I finally want to showcase what I've done so far.
  2. maverik713

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    All three of these are at approximately nine or ten weeks, strains unknown.
  3. maverik713

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    Original post date was 10/28. Plants were pulled on 11/2. Just wondering what your advice would have been. Thanks in advance and welcome back!
  4. maverik713

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    Hey fdd, got another one for you. Barney's Farm Crimea Blue 65 days flowering All advice is much appreciated.
  5. maverik713

    Wondering if someone could identify this deficiency

    These shots are both of the same plant, which are the same plant as the ones in the OP. Well, just except that they are slightly older.
  6. maverik713

    Wondering if someone could identify this deficiency

    bumped to get it from under the pile, any suggestions?
  7. maverik713

    Advanced Nutrients Big Bud is it worth it?? ( Indoor soil grower)

    Hey sourD, could you elaborate on that more? You always have really good info and I feel like I get what you mean, but it bugs me not to be sure.
  8. maverik713

    Wondering if someone could identify this deficiency

    I don't think it's any kind of infestation because it is one plant in an 8 plant SCRoG and it's the only one that looks that way. Also, the condition seems to be moving up the plant.
  9. maverik713

    Wondering if someone could identify this deficiency

    Hey all, hoping someone will take a crack at this one.
  10. maverik713

    Cloning from Fan Leaves

    I just read all 55 pages and I have to say I feel disheartened. From the moment woomeister came in, weediscool called his bluff and wouldn't back down. So many(like flowergurls) jumped on his back, talking about how he was ignorant and acting like he was better than others. Not only was...
  11. maverik713

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    Thanks fade. You da man.
  12. maverik713

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    Barney's Farm Night Shade Approx. 10 weeks flowering Whaddya think? Thanks again fdd!
  13. maverik713

    Newbie Learning All He Can

    Yeah, as soon as it's legal in my state. And yeah, reading is the key.
  14. maverik713

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    Thanks for the info fdd, much appreciated!
  15. maverik713

    Newbie Learning All He Can

    Hi guys, I've been reading this site for a while now and figured today was as good a time as any to introduce myself. Besides the obvious stuff such as :joint: making me :mrgreen:, I really enjoy learning from all the knowledgeable people here. For paranoia's sake, I'll leave all the...
  16. maverik713

    Advanced Nutrients Big Bud is it worth it?? ( Indoor soil grower)

    Ad hominem fail. To assert that folks like bigsourD and others, who have provided a cornucopia of facts to back up their claims, couldn't possibly be experienced growers and assist others on the forums is more of a testament to your ignorance than anything else. You need to be able to make a...
  17. maverik713

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    Hey guys, here are the stats: Crimea Blue 9 weeks flowering(give or take a week) Any thoughts?
  18. maverik713

    Just had my seeds confiscated

    My question is why haven't the stealth tactics been redacted or erased or something?