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  1. R

    Bud Rot Wars....Or how to Survive a Botrytis Attack

    Yer just found some on my WW, good job it were ready to go, hope the others are ok i removed the whole thing but it brushed past the others on the exit
  2. R

    The UK Growers Thread!

    nice piccys looks like you will get more than me -- 1 plant 8 weeks l8tr 10g dry but its absolute rocket fuel ! just need more more more btw its 'blues' id well recommend it ! anyone heard of it ? anyone know where i can get blues seeds ?? all my clones died ahhhhhhhhhh
  3. R

    fucking male

    dunno m8 n bit l8 but im same - male from seed so in the end like 2 days of mulling it over i got rid !!
  4. R

    Make Some $$ In the Marijuana Industry

    feck all wrong with this idea, we need more good growers on this plannet ;-0) just paid £185 in england for 28g of male leaves so im all for it ! im getting into it but small scale just weighed up last nite it took me 8 weeks for 12g moist but sht its amazing i'd so love to go bigger but u know...