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  1. Silverthin

    Soil Management

    I've been growing indoors in soil. Since I use fresh soil for each crop, I've discovered (da!) that I have a problem getting rid of the old used soil. Does anyone know of a practical method of revitalizing old soil, so it can be reused?
  2. Silverthin

    artificial lights

    thanx everyone - very useful info.
  3. Silverthin

    artificial lights

    I'm confused about the different kinds of artificial lights. Can anybody tell me what gives me the best bang for my buck. I'm really poor and needy.
  4. Silverthin

    Harvest overdue?

    Thanx. That's a very satisfactory answer to the questions I was having.
  5. Silverthin

    Your Stoner Lingo

    We're havin' a safety meet'n
  6. Silverthin

    Harvest overdue?

    I guess I didn't ask the right question. I understand that if you wait too log it could become fossilized. But how long is that peak harvest window? Or better yet, What signs should I look for that tell me I'd better not wait any longer? Or am I just worrying too much!?
  7. Silverthin

    going to seed

    This is my third generation ie. First crop from seed, second and third crops were clones of one and two. First crop had no seeds. Second had a few. And third is loaded with seeds. Is this typical? Maybe this should be a separate post, but is it normal for a strain to deteriorate after several...
  8. Silverthin

    going to seed

    Can female marijuana plants produce seeds without the presence of pollen? ie. If I have seeds appearing on my budding females, then does this mean there is pollen present in my bud room? - And what do I have to do to get rid of it?
  9. Silverthin

    Harvest overdue?

    I know it's not good to harvest your buds too early, is there anything detrimental about letting them go too long? (I mean other than - You have to wait longer to smoke them! :-)