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  1. DrBubblesPhdInTch

    Cud this be underfeeding.???

    thanx wicked, as you can tell im no good usin dirt lol. will try the castings coz its prob the only thing i can get around here without traveling miles n miles. there on there 4th node now n dnt think it will be long b4 there branching out. some seem healthier than others n after i flushed...
  2. DrBubblesPhdInTch

    Cud this be underfeeding.???

    here's a few pics...
  3. DrBubblesPhdInTch

    Cud this be underfeeding.???

    maybe its the light but im defo seein them really yellow compaired to some of my others. wot al do is get better pics n post them , that way you might be able to see the diff if there nxt to healthier lookin plants.. wont be long....
  4. DrBubblesPhdInTch

    !!!!cf off the scale!!!!!!

  5. DrBubblesPhdInTch

    !!!!cf off the scale!!!!!!

    on yer sel son, gd ti meet sum1 frm up here lol. ken wot you mean lyk. its been murder tryin ti get the answers . sum o them have been helpfull n MASSIVE respect ti them but as always in ere you get the odd nugget tryin ti tell you he knows best.
  6. DrBubblesPhdInTch

    !!!!cf off the scale!!!!!!

    thanx for the info guys , thanx dragon , ( smart way o thinkin ) n magnificant thats startin to make sense aswell man coz i tried the method i was thinkin about (1litre of solution in 1 litre of tap water) n i got the wrong reading.. i was racking my brain for days thinkin how i was gona...
  7. DrBubblesPhdInTch

    possible nute problem

    can any1 give me the info .?? thanx
  8. DrBubblesPhdInTch

    Cheese , TrainWreck , GodBud , LemonSkunk , WhiteWidow (NFT) 2x400w-hps

    Here's a few pics of my lemon n cheese. there both in the 20litre bubbler, the cheese is a dumpy lil fuker n didnt stretch much. the lemon skunk on the other hand , didnt stop stretchin. they were both flowered @ 15-16inches. the lemon is now 35-38inches lol...
  9. DrBubblesPhdInTch

    Cud this be underfeeding.???

    i know many ppl dnt feed at this age but i have , its something ive always done frm seed in both hydro and soil. i will try n get more organic tomorrow n replant them to see if it makes any diff.
  10. DrBubblesPhdInTch

    Cud this be underfeeding.???

    hi There all approx 2.5 wks since they sprouted. there in organic soil mix'd with perlite n vermiculite. there being fed ionic soil grow @ 5ml per litre. there 1st feed was 9 days ago n was @ this strength. they seemed to like it... jst water inbetween feeds i fed them again 2 days ago...
  11. DrBubblesPhdInTch

    Cud this be underfeeding.???

    Thanx for poppin in m8. you sure.? ive had bigger plants in the same pots without them doin that. im not saying it isnt tho, need to keep an open mind. any1 else have any thoughts.???
  12. DrBubblesPhdInTch

    Cud this be underfeeding.???

    Hi guys n gals got a question 4 you all. as my forte is hydro n not soil i seem to have run into a lil prob with my godbuds. it looks like underfeeding but as im not that sure i will wait to see what you all think b4 i do anything.... here's a few pics....
  13. DrBubblesPhdInTch

    Cheese , TrainWreck , GodBud , LemonSkunk , WhiteWidow (NFT) 2x400w-hps

    these godbuds are being fed IONIC soil grow @aproxx 5ml per litre have added 1ml powerzyme and 1 ml rootcomplex. as im not that keen on soil , you will prob see me askin a few questions coz no doubt sumfin l go tits up lol. the story about these godbuds is as follows.... a gd friend o mine...
  14. DrBubblesPhdInTch

    Cheese , TrainWreck , GodBud , LemonSkunk , WhiteWidow (NFT) 2x400w-hps

    dirt isnt my forte so dnt expect big healthy plants lol, ev time ive grown in soil ive never managed to get them to harvest without complications. thats why ive grown in hydro for the last 9 years. hydro just seems easier , to some hydro sounds alot harder to acomplish but within wks of using...
  15. DrBubblesPhdInTch

    Cheese , TrainWreck , GodBud , LemonSkunk , WhiteWidow (NFT) 2x400w-hps

    here is the white rhino, it sprouted around a wk ago n seems to be doin ok. its been added to the bubbler to see if she will grow a lil faster , its a feminised seed frm greenhouse. i had her in the clone tray untill yesterday n looks a lil limey coz the clones were being given jst tap water...
  16. DrBubblesPhdInTch

    Cheese , TrainWreck , GodBud , LemonSkunk , WhiteWidow (NFT) 2x400w-hps

    just noticed i put im using hesi nutes for this grow, well i ran out a few wks ago so now im using vitalink max grow/bloom i will only be using hessi's powerzyme , rootcomplex pk13/14 and super vit. sorry for any confusion peeps.
  17. DrBubblesPhdInTch

    Cheese , TrainWreck , GodBud , LemonSkunk , WhiteWidow (NFT) 2x400w-hps

    here's a pic taken 2 min ago of my trainwrecks. there being fed vitalink max grow @ 25ml each part. ec/cf of 6-8 in 20 litre bubbler system ph maintained @ 5.7 - 5.8 envirolight is on 24/7 till flowering starts. which cud be anywhere in the nxt 2-4 wks if all goes well.
  18. DrBubblesPhdInTch

    !!!!cf off the scale!!!!!!

    lmao, is that ur best.
  19. DrBubblesPhdInTch

    Cheese , TrainWreck , GodBud , LemonSkunk , WhiteWidow (NFT) 2x400w-hps

    i dnt have white widow any more as the cuttings didnt take but ive added white rhino to make up for it. its still a tiny seedling so got plenty o time b4 she's ready to take clones n flower.
  20. DrBubblesPhdInTch

    Cheese , TrainWreck , GodBud , LemonSkunk , WhiteWidow (NFT) 2x400w-hps

    im still waitin on my cheese n lemon skunk to root, they dnt look the healthiest of clones coz clonin aint ever been that easy for me lol. i still get around 90% success but by the time they root they look a lil bit worse for wear.