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  1. baseballman0530

    veging i think!!!

    ok awesome thanks man
  2. baseballman0530

    veging i think!!!

    do i have to buy the tiger bloom online or can i go to a store to buy it... and if i have to buy it online do u kno of anything that can be store bought that has a high level of k???
  3. baseballman0530

    veging i think!!!

    damn i got it twisted prob because i am... lol anyways i think its flowering i already kno it veging lol but ive got like 4 or 5 sets of noodes so i think its starting the flowering stage!!!
  4. baseballman0530

    veging i think!!!

    ok so i just found the white pistils ive been looking for.. they finally came out so im pretty sure my plant will be going into the veg state soon... im using MG soil and MG fert the kind u just pour into water... i was reading that mj plant in veg state needs a fert with more n than p and k...
  5. baseballman0530

    what strain do i have??

    i figured i wouldnt be able to tell... thanks for the info im getting impatient im growing outdoors and the light cycle dosnt change till early sept... ive never grown before so im so excited to smoke my work lol but i guess perfection takes time
  6. baseballman0530

    Florida Growers Thread

    broward county for the win!!!!!!! i just recently moved from there and i cant stand it were i am at!!! i miss florida like a stoner misses his bong when he leaves for work... thats a connection right there
  7. baseballman0530

    :weed:whats up thanks for viewing my page... i hope to learn alot about growing.. nothings...

    :weed:whats up thanks for viewing my page... i hope to learn alot about growing.. nothings better than free bud!!!
  8. baseballman0530

    what strain do i have??

    :weed: is it indica sativa and if anybody know is its like a kush or what not let me know new to growing old to smokin lol so i need some help thanks alot