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  1. S

    If i give my plant 20 hours dark 4 hours light whould it be diffrent

    NO SHIT!!! i know it needs more light in the bud stage..its fucken 2 inches tall i just want the dam thing to bud very young
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    If i give my plant 20 hours dark 4 hours light whould it be diffrent

    what you come here to try sound smart...i dident fucken ask you about my god dam if you dont know shit about growin weed than shut the fuck up
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    If i give my plant 20 hours dark 4 hours light whould it be diffrent

    i alredy have nice buds growin so fuck you suck ass at growin should take your dum ass back to school...
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    If i give my plant 20 hours dark 4 hours light whould it be diffrent

    iv ben growing 2 seeds its about 2 inches tall...i wanna try soming new...thay get 20 hours dark ...what do you think will happen...
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    Does adding fruit to soil change the flavor

    this is my first harvest... i have a kali kush plant im gonna harvet at the end of the week..any advice..
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    Does adding fruit to the soil change the flavor

    i have a kali kush plant im gonna harvet at the end of the week..any advice..should i hang them or put them in a jar...
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    First time cloning my plant is 10 weeks into flowering

    my clones are about 5 days old and no roots at all..leaves arnt droping yet
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    Does adding fruit to the soil change the flavor

    how could i give more flavor.. if i gave it more nutes would that work..or longer curing
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    Does adding fruit to the soil change the flavor

    :hug:someone told me that mongopina tast the way it does.. because thay add mangos to the you think this would work
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    Does adding fruit to soil change the flavor

    :hug:someone told me that mongopina tast the way it does.. because thay add mangos to the you think this would work
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    First time cloning my plant is 10 weeks into flowering

    how can i tell if the clones are taking or gona die
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    First time cloning my plant is 10 weeks into flowering

    i just did it.. but the cuts fucken suck i tried with a knife... i only put the clones in water...think it will work?
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    First time cloning my plant is 10 weeks into flowering

    can i put the clones in a hidro bucket with a dome? can u use just tap water... plant is 10 weeks into flowering
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    Monster Cropping Increasing Yield

    should i use rooting hormones
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    is brighter better

    its a GE 7 watt Par20 'bulb' with 3 "warm" high power LEDs any good or is it shit..should just use the cfl
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    is brighter better

    i have a 7 watt 200 lumens LED white light...and a 150 watt CFL..which is better... the LED looks brighter...any help
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    I just bought a led

    the LED looks a lot brighter
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    I just bought a led

    am i better off with a 150 watt cfl..
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    I just bought a led

    its a 7 watt..200 lumens...white light...will this be good at all for growing :-? i know u need red or blue.
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    growing 6 inch plant just bud NEED SUGGEST

    yea i cant have a big plant here.. its just to see if it would work.