Search results

  1. czxtvr

    Are there any hands on teaching

    Thanks Mic, best answer by far.
  2. czxtvr

    Are there any hands on teaching

    Are there any hands on teaching out there? Some of us just don't have a green thumb naturally. .lol
  3. czxtvr

    Has anyone grown in a super locker

    I feel the same. .Has anyone grown with one before? If so how was the yields?
  4. czxtvr

    Has anyone grown in a super locker

    If anyone has, please share grow journal. Would like to know if it's worth the money or not. Thanks guys. .
  5. czxtvr

    growzilla grow cabinet

    Has anyone tried the 5' 8" growzilla cabinet with kind L300 led grow light? If so please share your experience. I'm thinking about purchasing one and I don't want to waste my money. . Thanks Guys..
  6. czxtvr

    "weeds that Please" cannabis in the mail.

    I think weedthatplease is a trustworthy site :sleep:
  7. czxtvr

    Starting A Grow Room

    Can anyone tell me if they ever purchased a hydro kit from Cali Grow Kits..If so is it any good...The price is excellent...But I was wondering if it would actually work. Someone out there in growland please let me know..I can't afford to take a loss right now..Thanks
  8. czxtvr

    What's up Caleb Spate? where are you from? Do you know anything about Grandaddy Purple? I have...

    What's up Caleb Spate? where are you from? Do you know anything about Grandaddy Purple? I have been searching for some seeds all over the globe. It seems as though noone has them for sale...
  9. czxtvr

    What's up LucasCalifornia? Do the dispensaries out your way sell grandaddy purple seeds? If so...

    What's up LucasCalifornia? Do the dispensaries out your way sell grandaddy purple seeds? If so let me know. I have been searching 4ever....
  10. czxtvr

    Need A Connect

    :sad:Do the cannibis clubs in california mail medical marijuana to other states?
  11. czxtvr

    How Much is an Ounce of Bud in your Area

    Does anyone know how much is an ounce of blue dream in chicago??
  12. czxtvr

    How Much is an Ounce of Bud in your Area

    When I was in Texas, I was moving trainwreck at a nickel (500) an ounce and reg. for only 35 all day long for an onion....
  13. czxtvr

    How Much is an Ounce of Bud in your Area

    Smart move...I wish I was one of your trusted friends.....The way prices are over hear, let's just say we would be retired by now...Keep on keepin on and May God continue to Bless You!!!
  14. czxtvr

    Chicago smokers

    Sorry peeps that was the incorrect email...the correct email is co come one come all and lets share some strains and see who's rockin the best......
  15. czxtvr

    Chicago smokers

    what's up chicago smokers??? Let's get together and have a smoke out. The weather is starting to let's party.....send me a shout so we can do
  16. czxtvr

    What Type of Weed is the Best Weed?

    purplewreck without a doubt
  17. czxtvr

    Smokers In The Chi

    Hey what's up with the medical marijuana smokers in the chi ??? I want to know what are you doing to support the cause and to support each other???? Or is it every man for himself?????
  18. czxtvr

    :Joint: Tokin'

    It great that puff puff passers have a place to hang and discuss shop..Keep up the good work roll it up!!!!
  19. czxtvr

    Did it arrive yet?

    I was wondering are there any marijuana groups in chicago,IL? If so how do I communicate with them? One more thing has anyone found a place where I can purchase some grandaddy purple seeds? If not, how much does a pound go for on the market today? Still Looking!!!