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    hydro girls help please wilted in less than 8 hours

    So before i left the house last night i checked on my ladies in my drip system and they were fine. i come back in the morning and they are completely wilted, i mean this happened fast and the plants look really bad for how short the time was what could have caused this. 1. i turned up the...
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    Can i pull off seeds during flowering? PLEASE HELP

    Hey folks I was wondering my buddy and i found some seeds on a few plants. Probably a hermie or two messed up are hopes of sesemillia. any way i was wondering if we pull off these seeds if this will help produce more THC, we want potent bud and i know seeds take energy and resources away from...
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    do females have to die?

    one more thing, how long should i leave the plants in vegatative between flowerings?
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    do females have to die?

    i was watching a video and it was showing that the leaves were turning yellow, do i need to clip the leaves after flowering that are yellow or will then turn back to green? when i clip the buds off do i cut the actual node or do cut around the node?
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    do females have to die?

    ok i have about 25 plants and the biggest one is about a foot and well i guess that all really doesnt matter. what i need to know is there any way to return females back to vegetative state? like just clipping the flowers (buds) off and letting the girl go back to growing. second part also...
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    please!!! save my plants,(nutrient burn/light burn)

    ok i will move it back thanks for keeping my lil guys alive
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    please!!! save my plants,(nutrient burn/light burn)

    oh and i didnt piss on the damn plants i mixed it in a bottle like a civilized man hahaha
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    please!!! save my plants,(nutrient burn/light burn)

    ok i washed all the roots and got complete new soil (happy frog) i dont wanna loose these babies... they are put in the new soil... now i am going to talk your guy's advice and just do the heat test... but that is going to put the light really close i hope your right.... i am talking less than 7...
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    please!!! save my plants,(nutrient burn/light burn)

    i sprayed the urine dilution directly on the young leaves... are these plants going to die they have been getting worse over the last couple of days... heat is not a problem for sure
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    please!!! save my plants,(nutrient burn/light burn)

    so it is nute burn for sure then... is the light hand test a pretty safe bet.
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    please!!! save my plants,(nutrient burn/light burn)

    ok so three weeks in the soil i was feeling good but they werent growing very fast, so i do two things mix up some urine, and water... and i also upgrade from about 90 watts of flouro, to 400 watts of metal halide. so i didnt exactly mix the urine 1/12 like i was suppose to, and i put the lights...