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  1. S

    Mutant? Leafs with 12 and more petals

    Well that's the thing, I know having 12 or more "fingers" isn't unusual, but the way mine is growing it has fingers on top of fingers instead of the side by side you usually see. I'm working on getting pics right now
  2. S

    Mutant? Leafs with 12 and more petals

    Hey guys Ive been looking around the forum and the net but I can't seem to get any conclusive answers. I bought these seeds from VSB called kennys kish mix, suposed to be fairly good, unfortunately the batch I got turned out to be no good. However 2 of the 10 did sprot, but imidiatly I could...
  3. S

    Female plant with male flowers

    No seeds... At least none that were even close to being ready. So hermies can have both male and female flowers? That's interesting, learn sumtin new every day!
  4. S

    Female plant with male flowers

    Hey, I'm a new grower and I seen this on my first grow and was wondering if anyone else has ever heard of it before. I just finished my first harvest ( this was two months ago, I started early) and I noticed on the lower part one of the buds there was a small cluster of male flowers. It was the...