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  1. B

    Ak47 1000watt

    Definitely, Post a link to your new grow journal, I am curious to see how this turns out, i'll be following along
  2. B

    germinating while i travel?

    Hi, I plan on growing a few hundred miles away and I was wondering if I could put the seeds in a paper towel a few days before I leave so I can set it up right away once i get to where I am growing. Any input would be appreciated
  3. B

    Genuity's Laidback Garden

    Hi genuity, Excellent job, I am especially impressed at the White Russian because I have 6 feminized white russians coming in the mail. I was wondering if you could offer any advice for the White Russians in terms of nutrients and training(where,when to top ; LST or SCROG?) . I have a 8' x 4...