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  1. viciousitalia

    when to chop my blue mystic

    ok im gonna run to radio shack now what scope did you get? and do you think i still have about 4 weeks left?
  2. viciousitalia

    when to chop my blue mystic

    what happens if i flower it to long? i just want it to get as big as possible. ill wait as long as i have too.
  3. viciousitalia

    when to chop my blue mystic

    cool thanks. my buddys is on same day as mine and he chopping next week. i told him he was crazy. does it look ok for 40 days?
  4. viciousitalia

    when to chop my blue mystic

    blue mystic 40th day of flower 270 w cfls i pruned some of the plant today cuz i felt a lot of the bud sites were not geting enough light. just wondering when i should chop it down. how long is to long to wait. i want my buds to be the biggest they can be.
  5. viciousitalia

    First Grow Nirvana Blue Mystic.

    no idea i doubt it. a lot of peoples dont get blue.
  6. viciousitalia

    First Grow Nirvana Blue Mystic.

    update: huge growth overnite
  7. viciousitalia

    First Grow Nirvana Blue Mystic.

    welll around each node there were like tons of white hairs with balls in the middle and on the sides. to many to pick off
  8. viciousitalia

    First Grow Nirvana Blue Mystic.

    2nd plant hermied so i killed it. =( the big one is still a big pussy tho.
  9. viciousitalia

    First Grow Nirvana Blue Mystic.

    thanks bro yes its bushy but its not huge either. i think im going to up the nutes. it seems like it can take a lot of nutes.
  10. viciousitalia

    First Grow Nirvana Blue Mystic.

    lol thanks alot no im in flower ive been in flower same day as u
  11. viciousitalia

    First Grow Nirvana Blue Mystic.

    update on the plant
  12. viciousitalia

    First Grow, CFL Indoor Closet, Sour Cream & Bubblelicious

    how can you tell if it tries to hermie on you. btw i got new pics up been so busy with work bro.
  13. viciousitalia

    First Grow, CFL Indoor Closet, Sour Cream & Bubblelicious

    looken great bro. how long does it take for these fuckers to show some buds lol
  14. viciousitalia

    First Grow, CFL Indoor Closet, Sour Cream & Bubblelicious

    looking great my man nice to hear the good news. mom found 4 of my seedlings when she came over. all the freebies from attitude. still got the lsd, aurora indica and vanilla kush seedlings tho. =(
  15. viciousitalia

    First Grow, CFL Indoor Closet, Sour Cream & Bubblelicious

    i see what your seeing too. hmm idk bro i guess only time will tell.
  16. viciousitalia

    First Grow, CFL Indoor Closet, Sour Cream & Bubblelicious

    it looks like its a female on the right part and a male on the left. mayb a hermie?
  17. viciousitalia

    First Grow Nirvana Blue Mystic.

    thanks bro i appriciate that. yes i am using molasses. just started last water actually.
  18. viciousitalia

    First Grow, CFL Indoor Closet, Sour Cream & Bubblelicious

    bro mine looked just like yours.Now i have 4 or 5 hairs coming out of each one. take a look at some of the other nodes you might be able to see it better.
  19. viciousitalia

    First Grow Nirvana Blue Mystic.

    yeh the plant is 12" tall n like 11 wide. im just feeling down about it. hopefully it perks up i just bought some shit called big bud thats supposed to be really good u ever hear of it?
  20. viciousitalia

    First Grow Nirvana Blue Mystic.

    the temp in the room is about 70. the box is always low 70's usualy under 75. i have two big intake fans and two exaust fans. and one fan inside just blowing on the 2 plants.