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  1. Supaman.420

    Autoflower Question

    I just think its funny that there's a Nirvana ad in your post, they are Nirvana Northern Light Autos... I was thinking the same thing about the 12/12, but I read varying things about doing this with an auto. But the consensus seems to be that I DON'T have autos, right??
  2. Supaman.420

    Autoflower Question

    So I have some autoflower strains that Im playing around with cuz I was curious. I am using fluorescent lights, (2 34W 24" fluoros and 3 42W CFL's) but Im going to switch them to a 1000w HPS later this week. They are about 7-8 weeks old and super healthy but not a bud in sight, jus a few lonely...
  3. Supaman.420

    I was also wondering if you have obtained seeds already? Alot of people on here will talk down...

    I was also wondering if you have obtained seeds already? Alot of people on here will talk down to/about growing from bagseed. I, however, feel that this is an important step for beginners. It gives you a little taste of what growing is all about. The average person has no idea how much work...
  4. Supaman.420

    Ok, first, you just need to make sure that the plant(s) will have COMPLETE darkness when they go...

    Ok, first, you just need to make sure that the plant(s) will have COMPLETE darkness when they go into flowering stage. If their dark period is interupted regularly, your plants will not bud. So, if your going to grow on a shelf, make certain that you can provide this total darkness for 12 hours...
  5. Supaman.420

    Ok so, if you'd like to tell me what, if anything, you have for equipment, lights, anything that...

    Ok so, if you'd like to tell me what, if anything, you have for equipment, lights, anything that you have. If you havent even gotten stuff yet, you jus need to tell me what you want to do, ie soil or hydro? HID or Fluorscent lights? what size room? anything you can think of. If you have money to...
  6. Supaman.420

    Experts - Is this a good grow light for the money?

    It's a fair price if that's what your asking. And 600W will be powerful enough for a room that size but those wing reflectors are a pain to ventilate. There are other, although more expensive, options out there that are designed with flanges in place to add ventilation ducting. May I suggest...