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  1. C

    Do people really want free markets?

    no one can step up to monopolies because they make the cost of entering the business outrageous and too risky for anyone to invest. that's why we have anti monopoly laws. also, if we did not have anti-monopoly laws, companies from same industries would not compete - they would just merge and...
  2. C

    Do people really want free markets?

    its very naive to think this way. the capitalists don't give a shit about anyone and will use everything to their advantage to make more money.
  3. C

    Do people really want free markets?

    ok, say me and you own 2 cell phone companies in the US. we could merge or we could just cooperate on pricing the services to make sure that we don't compete and don't kill our business and make people pay for it. currently, there are laws against cooperation of pricing and laws to regulate...
  4. C

    Do people really want free markets?

    ok, but what about monopolies? companies don't have to be merged to fuck people over. they can just cooperate on prices and fuck people over. therfore, government intervention is needed and free markets are not possible.
  5. C

    Do people really want free markets?

    what about monopolies?
  6. C

    Do people really want free markets?

    would anyone care if foreign pharmaceutical companies provided "drugs" to American people without an oversight? what if these "foreign pharmaceutical companies were "foreign agents" that would conduct experiments on American people? etc, etc. anyway, i think free markets are not possible...
  7. C

    When will people realize that Money is Evil and Money wants to become our God?

    i did provide you with additional very reliable sources to make sure that people don't think i am crazy. but it seems to me that this is just too big of a talk for people. i'll just stay away. mods can feel free to delete this thread.
  8. C

    When will people realize that Money is Evil and Money wants to become our God?

    just so you can understand who US is dealing with - chinese and russian spy agencies that know all the secrets in the world (including nuclear), who can be businessmen, government agents, and criminals all at the same time. FSB defector Litvinenko pissed off a lot of people in Russia. He...
  9. C

    When will people realize that Money is Evil and Money wants to become our God?

    you guys have no clue why we are in iraq and afghanistan. us had to get there because the FSB was working there to influence iraqi and afghanistan leaders to start looking towards Russia again. the moment saddam started to ask for euros in 2000, he basically became a target for US. US dragged...
  10. C

    When will people realize that Money is Evil and Money wants to become our God?

    nah, i really am talking about how it is Annals of National Security: The General’s Report: Reporting & Essays: The New Yorker Center For Intelligence Studies: Intelligence Briefs Did Soviets really "invade" Afghanistan? - Ron Paul Forums Putinism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia if...
  11. C

    When will people realize that Money is Evil and Money wants to become our God?

    actually, i am talking about the inevitable.
  12. C

    When will people realize that Money is Evil and Money wants to become our God?

    This article appears in the February 8, 2008 issue of Executive Intelligence Review. Hooray for the Global Crisis! by Leonid Ivashov This article by Mr. Ivashov, General-Colonel, and President of the Academy of Geopolitical Problems, was published in...
  13. C

    When will people realize that Money is Evil and Money wants to become our God?

    in new york, (today or yesterday) a money giveaway turned into a riot. money is trying to become our God.
  14. C

    When will people realize that Money is Evil and Money wants to become our God?

    communism did not work because capitalism did not let it to work. unlike communists, capitalists have no respect for humanity. life in capitalist nations only great because we love to exploit other nations and get things cheaper than here. i feel so proud of my way of life here when i learn that...
  15. C

    When will people realize that Money is Evil and Money wants to become our God?

    there is actually, i proved it earlier in the posts above.
  16. C

    When will people realize that Money is Evil and Money wants to become our God?

    and when we pay taxes we state that we support what those men with control of money and evil hearts do.
  17. C

    When will people realize that Money is Evil and Money wants to become our God?

    well, at this time, it is pretty much irrelevant what anyone without importance thinks. whether you like it or not, the wheel was set in motion long time ago. it is coming fast and it will happen, because our economy is going down (i am not sure if you've noticed it with all the things that are...