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  1. bluntsNbongs

    New Grower with a Withering Plant

    @ Serapis, I'll try not to water it for a few days and see how it goes. Thanks for the help!
  2. bluntsNbongs

    New Grower with a Withering Plant

    Here's the pic...once again, sorry for the bad cell phone quality image...
  3. bluntsNbongs

    New Grower with a Withering Plant

    Thanks for the quick response! Sorry for the lack of info, I have it in a 3gallon pot, Im using a soil with deet in it (not sure of the exact name of the soil) but I do know it does work for growing MJ. I used a Miracle grow feeder, cheap but it seems to be effective with my other plant. I water...
  4. bluntsNbongs

    New Grower with a Withering Plant

    :joint:Whats Good my Cutty:joint: I'm having a problem with my ChemDog plant I got off a cannabis club in San Francisco about 10 days ago, I've done some research on growing, though I'm not an expert at it, sooo I have no clue why one day my plant started withering. It's an indoor setup, maybe...