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  1. the bosnian420

    Ready to cut or wut

    in the last pic i would harvest that in about 3-6 days
  2. the bosnian420

    When do i stop usin molasass??

    im just using natural molasass i hope thats the right stuff has a picture of a grandma on it =D
  3. the bosnian420

    When do i stop usin molasass??

    better flavor that way?
  4. the bosnian420

    When do i stop usin molasass??

    I just want tasty buds, has eneyone experminted with this? should i keep going till the end of flowering?
  5. the bosnian420

    When do I stop?

    how did ur buds taste?
  6. the bosnian420

    When do I stop?

    Im using molasass and my plant is about 2 weeks from finishing.. when do i stop usin molasass or do i keep going even till the end of flowering? I just want tasty buds i dont care for strength
  7. the bosnian420

    Im only survior

    thanks everone for your inputs! yea i was thinking another month or so too. well hopefully nothing happens to it like all my other 100 before this that failed lol! uggh. ive been using egg shells to help the buds anyone know the truth to this cuz since ive been usin the bud has been producing...
  8. the bosnian420

    Im only survior

    this plant idk its just amazing looking! its my first complete grow and its getting cold in georgia! like 50's in the morning and stuff.. whatcha think when should i harvest? its my only clone of 15 that surivived lol and i just wanted to smoke it. taken off.. its a very late grow.
  9. the bosnian420

    Guerilla Growing Help, New to the Outdoors

    Rep Sheboygan!! and yes growing in WI is easy jsut leave it by a river and dont have more then 2 plants next to each other
  10. the bosnian420

    My Super Grow Room

    Amazing everything man u doin what everyone wnats to be doin haha
  11. the bosnian420

    Anyone From Atlanta wanna toke up???

    Just moved to Cumming, GA and looking for sumone to toke up with...anyone out there i need sum mary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. the bosnian420

    Sign of presex right?

    LMFAO!!!!!!! u can make a marijuana necklace!
  13. the bosnian420

    Weirdiest strain ever?

    Ok so i got a plant insted of having the normal steam of the leaf then 6-9 leaves it has jsut one leaf sticking out thats huge.. like its growing like normal but just has one leaf everytime its suppose to have the fan leaves... ill have pics posted when i can but atm my camera is lost.. but i...
  14. the bosnian420

    Love this time of year.

    whats FIM'd?
  15. the bosnian420

    anyone see any problems?

    idk all the leaves turned yellow haha so i took em off.. in one of the pics u can see a yellow leaf idk why this is happening but its in the 4th week of flowering and i dont wanna mess with it now..
  16. the bosnian420

    anyone see any problems?

    My First Grow =D had 15 plants but all were male except this one lmao what luck huh???
  17. the bosnian420

    leaves turning yellow

    i have never used any nutruents yet.. the bud is in 4th week of flowering u think i should add sum cuz the only thing i tried was coffee grounds
  18. the bosnian420

    leaves turning yellow

    :-?Plant is all natural planted in the ground.. started about middle of may plant is about 3 1/2 feet tall.. i got no bottom leaves pretty much all leaves left are on top. i have been picking off the yellow leaves after they r getting really yellow and idk why this is happening but it seems to...