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  1. F

    More Like Focused Doodling... maybe?

    Sorry for the huge stamp but teh interwebz iz ruthless. Hope you don't think it sucks.
  2. F

    Mixed indoor garden

    Since nobody posted I haven't updated that much but now I need some help. The zinnia have really exploded. Everything is going well except that my cilantro decided to lay down on me. Still green, doesn't seem to be wilting but just not standing up anymore. My only guess is a bit of over...
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    I'm not sure what the size requirement is for them to produce fruit. Maybe you could bonsai it.
  4. F


    Oranges grow on trees so an indoor orange grow might be a problem.
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    NC House Bill 1380--The Medical Marijuana Act!

    I think there is a chance we may pass it. I just hope they aren't so tight with the regulation you have to be dying to get it.
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    starting a garden

    Those peppers surely look like something I've seen before.....hmm can't quite put my finger on it LOL. I vote tomatoes since they're uber tasty and supposedly the closest to the plants you have experience with. If you grow organic heirlooms and such you can sell them for a small fortune at...
  7. F

    Can This Get You High?

    I am also in the boat of having experienced quite a few drugs but salvia is really some next level shit in my book. I can handle it but I feel drained completely afterwards and other people around me always flip out which ruins the experience. When you're already tripping balls its hard to...
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    Mixed indoor garden

    These are about a week later than the first. About two weeks from sowing. Had to include the artsy shot of the cfl.
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    Mixed indoor garden

    I am new to gardening in general so I started a little closet garden just to get my feet wet. I'm using a 105 watt 5000k CFL and 90 watt LED, MG organic (I know its not the best but its fairly cheap). Starting out with chives, cilantro, and my lady is growing some zinnia. Will try to update...