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  1. T

    Welcome New Members!

    hello matth82003....everyone calls me porkchops..not really gettin much feedback on this site i in the right place here or what >>
  2. T


    Im a new newby...I have some basic knowledge but need to work on it big time,,,Im going to get my certification and i would like to ask if there are any websites i can use to get the certification or does everyone have to go to a doctors office to be certified...I live in michigan so thats a...
  3. T


    Just gettin my feet wet ,,,,i live in michigan and have been givin some thought to being a grower for the medical feild ,,can anyone tell me how i get started,,, i know you have to go through a backgroun check , but that is all i have so far ,,how o obtain the crtification/license neede to...