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  1. neowlchaz

    Neowls Newbie Grow - Seedsman Nemesis Indoors

    Day 81 Now, end of Week 6 Flowering - We're getting very close now! Here's some pictures taken yesterday:
  2. neowlchaz

    Neowls Newbie Grow - Seedsman Nemesis Indoors

    She's on Day 80 now, and is really smelling my room up something stupid. Not that I'm complaining :P Here's a good few pics from the 25th (Day 78 ), as you can see, she loves to pose for the camera :D:
  3. neowlchaz

    Neowls Newbie Grow - Seedsman Nemesis Indoors

    Day 75 I got myself a new camera today, so here are some lovely new shots: Here's an extra special Macro shot: ...and here it is resized:
  4. neowlchaz

    Neowls Newbie Grow - Seedsman Nemesis Indoors

    Thanks man, I'll defo be giving a semi-decent smoke report of this strain, as there's not that many around. Day 71:
  5. neowlchaz

    Neowls Newbie Grow - Seedsman Nemesis Indoors

    Day 69, Week 5 of flowering. No height gained, just some nice bud development. Here's a load of new pics:
  6. neowlchaz

    Any Chance of a Grow Journal Title Change for My Thread?

    The current title to my row journal is 'First time Grower, Baggy Seed Indoors', This information is now irrelevant as I'm growing and actual strain now, as the baggy seeds didn't last too long. My current plant has just over month left 'til harvest, and I'd like the title to be changed to...
  7. neowlchaz

    Neowls Newbie Grow - Seedsman Nemesis Indoors

    bump for any passing comments from peeps here. Will post more pics tomorrow (Day 69 No less!) Just a quick note, the buds are swelling quite nicely, and the trichomes are getting real sticky, with a lovely sickly sweet aroma.
  8. neowlchaz

    Neowls Newbie Grow - Seedsman Nemesis Indoors

    Day 67, End of week 4 flowering I've been away this week, so I left Nemi in the very capable hands of my father. Not much to report really, a little height gained, and bud development is progressing in heaps and bounds. Starting to have a nice sweet aroma in my growspace. Anyways, some pics:
  9. neowlchaz

    Neowls Newbie Grow - Seedsman Nemesis Indoors

    Say 61, End of week 3 Nemi has gained a little height, and the buds are developing nicely, not much to report really. Here's some pictures taken earlier today.
  10. neowlchaz

    Neowls Newbie Grow - Seedsman Nemesis Indoors

    Here's another shot of developing buds :D
  11. neowlchaz

    Neowls Newbie Grow - Seedsman Nemesis Indoors

    Through vegging an up until now, filtered water. I'm looking into nutes right now, as I'm still rather new to this, it's as much a work in progress for me as it is for the plant! I'm looking to get about 3ft height from her, are there any nutes you would recommend?
  12. neowlchaz

    Neowls Newbie Grow - Seedsman Nemesis Indoors

    Day 53 (End of week 2 Flowering) Last night I had a little upset, as it Lenny (as I call him now) showed that he is in fact MALE. I separated them as soon as I found out, leaving Nemi in the growspace all on her own. Nemi on the other hand, is growing well, I believe I've found the start of...
  13. neowlchaz

    Neowls Newbie Grow - Seedsman Nemesis Indoors

    Today is day 41, and I received my new light (125W Daul Spectrum CFL), so I installed it (the red spectrum tubes facing the plant) , and switched to 12/12. FLOWERING BEGINS TODAY!!
  14. neowlchaz

    Neowls Newbie Grow - Seedsman Nemesis Indoors

    Day 25, the pair together:
  15. neowlchaz

    Neowls Newbie Grow - Seedsman Nemesis Indoors

    So here we are on Day 23. Nemi is starting to get really bushy, a good sign for me, due to the small grow space she has. The bagseed, now named Lenore (if a girl), still has her curled leaves unfortunately, but on the good side of things; she does appear to have quite a bit of new leaf growth...
  16. neowlchaz

    Neowls Newbie Grow - Seedsman Nemesis Indoors

    So, as of yesterday I finally managed to put the smaller of the two in its own pot. A few of the older leaves have curled up though, which I believe is down to shock. I watered it a little and left it, will report back on that ones progress. Nemi however, is growing well. Here are some...
  17. neowlchaz

    Neowls Newbie Grow - Seedsman Nemesis Indoors

    New week, new pics! Nemi is growing bigger by the day, it's a real joy to see. The bagseed (still nameless, any suggestions?) is slowly but surely catching up as well; it's only 3 days behind Nemi!
  18. neowlchaz

    Neowls Newbie Grow - Seedsman Nemesis Indoors

    Here's a few shots from today (Day 7)
  19. neowlchaz

    Neowls Newbie Grow - Seedsman Nemesis Indoors

    Here's a couple of pics of todays progress. Haven't given to bagseed a name yet, but Nemesis is simply going to be called Nemi from now on (given that it's female of course). Nemis new leaves seem to be growing pretty well, and she's starting to get quite big for her age (6 days from breaking...
  20. neowlchaz

    Neowls Newbie Grow - Seedsman Nemesis Indoors

    Day 5 Evening: