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  1. woodstock13


    millersville, md here
  2. woodstock13


    lol its deff. out there. just have to find the right person haha
  3. woodstock13

    acid trip horror help!!

    so i finished my paper i sorta based it off the movie shrooms.
  4. woodstock13

    acid trip horror help!!

    lol. yeah when i tripped i kept forgetting to breath. shits crazzy.
  5. woodstock13

    acid trip horror help!!

    lol thats a good idea. so i jus watched the movie shrooms. deff. helped me out alot. so i have about 3 good ideas that could work. i gotta start this tomm. so we'll see what happens haha. still open for ideas.
  6. woodstock13

    acid trip horror help!!

    thanks. ill go get that movie sometime today hopefully. my buddy alright thought of a good beginning. takes back in vietnam and they capture 2 vietnamese they force them to take lsd. plains start dropping bombs etc. idk its a start
  7. woodstock13

    acid trip horror help!!

    haha thanks guys. so yeah im starting to get some ideas. enybody have some ideas of there own they can throw my way? i mean this thing has to be 6 pages. i guess ill have it take place back in the 60's? enybody know how i could start the story.
  8. woodstock13

    acid trip horror help!!

    alright jus thought this would be a good place to talk about this. so i have to write a 6page horror story for my english class. the only thing i could think of is an acid trip gone bad. but about 5 pages worth. what im asking is for some ideas. whats some crazzy shit people have experienced. i...
  9. woodstock13


    yeah prices are crazzy. neeed to find outter sources haha.
  10. woodstock13


    whats everyone gettin in MD? whats the prices your all payin....
  11. woodstock13


    anne arundel county. here