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  1. S

    pre and post harvest pics...opinions

    I'll post a little grow reveiw soon...need a little advice with drying -curing in this hot weather (indoors about 70- 80 degrees max,humidity seems low to med) ....4-days drying so far.. then into the jars and curing for a few weeks...stored in a cool dark enviorment? I put the smaller buds in...
  2. S

    pre and post harvest pics...opinions

    The Pre shots were taken Two weeks pre harvest...topped and cropped and left remainder to mature a bit longer.
  3. S

    Tasty Greens

    My first grow has been a steep learning curve..but my stated clearly I nailed the right soil treatment and so far the process makes me rookie of the the 818...;) I really enjoy the zen involved...I just chill in the back yard and hang with my girls making sure they are...