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  1. G

    Rockwool vs Rapid Rooters vs Oasis Cubes

    do you have a grow log with the suretogrow? I bought 5 freaking cubic feet of their new size called hail. Worked ok for germination but they hold LOTS of water. I'm too much of a newb and have not done enough research to realize that I needed to have LOTS of roots coming outta the germination...
  2. G

    pump timer souce or brand name?

    HOLY BUCKOLAS!!! I guess I'm sticking with my always on nute pump! $85.00???!!!!!! Uh yeah, after the collective buys my 1st born and a pound that I haven't even germinated the seeds on!
  3. G

    pump timer souce or brand name?

    I learned from reading this book FREE ... How to hydroponics I modified the design so that I now have an 18...
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    is it legel to sell my extra medical to the clubs in cali?

    I don't know crap, but what I would do is find a local collective or 2. Visit them and ASK. I would not bring any with me until they say 'show the green' but then again, the squirrels are after my nuts too! I been to the dentist today... I'm loopy!
  5. G

    2 month rec.. card?

    go to : all the way at the bottom of the page.
  6. G

    Is it a huge risk carrying a pound?

    get your NORML card. Read it. understand it. KNOW IT. NEVER CONSENT TO A SEARCH OF YOUR PERSON OR PROPERTY!
  7. G

    Growing in a friends house, legal?

    I'm doing some research now about this. From what I have read your 'caregiver' needs to have a department of health services card. They should also visit your doctor so that the doctor can provide them the recommendation to be the caregiver. Caregiver has to pay doctor and DHS just like you do...
  8. G

    If the November bill gets passed, what does that mean for us growers?

    You are welcome to leave if you like!
  9. G

    New Patient With some questions, please help!

    I would suggest actually reading the laws. If that is difficult (I know I don't understand them myself) speak with an attorney. Ask your Doctor's office. They should have more info for you or be able to direct you to those who do know.
  10. G

    Medical marijuana card

    Go here: LONG LIST of ailments that are treatable. I have at least 3 of the conditions. Have had for a long time and traditional medicine makes some symptoms worse. I have my appointment with the Doctor next week!
  11. G

    Moving to Cali, but where?

    Stay away from southwest riverside county. Hot, dry, not much work. east side of San Francisco Bay might be better. BART is (was in the 80's) awesome mass transit. San Diego has some nice areas. But remember this, ALL of Southern California is a DESERT! Inland areas get HOT. Coastal areas...
  12. G

    pump timer souce or brand name?

    I keep reading about people having timers on their aeroflow nutrient solution pumps. I also read that the timers are set to various settings. Such as on 1 minute/ off 5 minutes. And on 5 minutes off 20 minutes. What timers are you all using? I'm building my system so I need to find a proper...
  13. G

    New Aeroflo2 60 Grow! Started from the ground up! Lots of Pics!!

    DAY-YAM (Texanese) That's a frosty forest you got there! I'm watching, reading and learning from this journal! Thanks! Found a triple meter like yours on ebay for about $100 delivered so I snatched that up. I hope my (future) single plant grow does as well. Hope you get the mite problem under...