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  1. M

    Helicopters, thermal FLIR cameras ~ actual crop shown!

    it was a very inefficient way to get power as far as over all cost goes.. like i said he had thousands and thousands of dollars invested in just machinery. The energy running his battery cells was less then the energy running the lights.. im not talking about car parts here guys.. he used...
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    Helicopters, thermal FLIR cameras ~ actual crop shown!

    Well you guys better do some more research before you come on here and start bashing me and telling me Im full of it... Another example of people thinking they are smarter then they really are... I'll do the home work for you children... The energy put into the battery is the product of...
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    Frost hitting early

    I dont see how it could hurt anything.. might keep the frost of her for a couple more hours.. If your realy worried about her gently drape a cotton sheet over her.. It will keep most the frost off.. maybe stick the jug of hot water under the sheet also..
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    Frost hitting early

    one night of frost isnt gonna hurt you bro.. As long as it warms up tomorrow and she dosent stay frozen she will be fine.. From what i hear frost is supose to add some color to most strains.. I would deff get your walls up asap though.. Dont want her getting frosted to many times...
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    Michigan Growers Tell Your Plans for This Year

    Regular Photo Size Advertisement ISP, feds seize $47.5 million in pot Updated: Thursday, 02 Sep 2010, 6:40 PM EDT Published : Thursday, 02 Sep 2010, 6:40 PM EDT BEDFORD, Ind. (AP) - Indiana State Police and federal agents working by air and land say they have removed...
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    Michigan Growers Tell Your Plans for This Year

    Delstele, We are good bro I dont hold grudges. We are all on the same team and must stick together not fight each other.. KB, Sorry to hear about your loss. I agree, Norml is a huge joke.. They are in-fact a not for profit org. But they fail to mention the part about there directors...
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    Helicopters, thermal FLIR cameras ~ actual crop shown!

    Thats the most genious part about it.. He was using small electric motors to spin alternators that charge battery banks. Then the battery banks were hooked up to dc/ac converters to run everything.. So the only thing that was plugged into his meter was the electric motors.. That use hardly any...
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    Helicopters, thermal FLIR cameras ~ actual crop shown!

    Well first off thanks Cali, I did alot of research on Flir.. Second I woke up this morning turned on the news and the main story was State police make marijuana bust.. A guy had 10 plants spread out in his fence row along his property. They were hid under trees and in tall weeds and in fact the...
  9. M

    Michigan Growers Tell Your Plans for This Year

    KB im with you bro.. This is bull shit, we have to sneak around and act like criminals to grow a plant.. Im not an expert on the law or government by any means, but the way I understand it are government is breaching are civil rights.. The controlled substance act classifies marijuana as a...
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    Michigan Growers Tell Your Plans for This Year

    They are deff out full force hunting right now.. It's been all over the news people getting busted.. Guys we should probably stay off this forum untill after harvest.. With that being said im out.. I'll talk to you guys in 6 weeks... Good Luck and Keep it Green..
  11. M

    Helicopters, thermal FLIR cameras ~ actual crop shown!

    If you can hide the signature of the plants they wont have probable cause to come onto your property nor will they be able to get warrant. Do you realize how many hillbillies have cars and shit in there yard coverd with tarps.? Whos to say its not a car or a boat under that tarp.. I read the...
  12. M

    Helicopters, thermal FLIR cameras ~ actual crop shown!

    Well the way im thinking is if the plastic keeps the IR from bouncing back (Flir does use IR beems and they must bounce back to sensors to be read. look at your chart it says right on it reflectiveness) your gonna have just a blank spot on the FLIR display. That would be like showing a red flag...
  13. M

    OK, 12-14 weeks to wait for sativa. Then what is this?

    if you have seen catapillars on her then you most deff have bud worms.. They may still be larva and you might not be able to see them with your naked eyes yet, but they are in there.. Read the thread about bud worms at the top of this outdoor growing forum.. You need to get some BT and spray...
  14. M

    Helicopters, thermal FLIR cameras ~ actual crop shown!

    Agreed that it would create a blind spot if you tried to cover crops with plastic.. But however I believe if you threw a bunch of grass cuttings or leaves on top of the plastic you could hide the blind spot from the FLIR.. all though it would be a bitch covering and uncovering your plants all...
  15. M

    OK, 12-14 weeks to wait for sativa. Then what is this?

    Im not for sure man because I've never realy seen it.. But from what I've hurd it looks like you have some bud rott going on.. Has it been raining alot where you are..? Or it could also be bud worms.. Have you noticed any catapilars on her.? It's deff not close to harvest looks like your buds...
  16. M

    Michigan Growers Tell Your Plans for This Year

    Yeah im positive it has to be turned on to tag the photo.. Your friends are right though about the fedz being able to track you if your carrying your phone.. Theres a couple ways they do it.. The newer phones use GPS sats for some off the applications they run.. Like for goggle maps or driving...
  17. M

    Michigan Growers Tell Your Plans for This Year

    it's called geotagging Fire, You have to have it enabled on your phone or camera.. If you had it turned on you would know it.. it shows the latitude and longitude of where the photo was taken in the bottom corner of the pic..
  18. M

    Helicopters, thermal FLIR cameras ~ actual crop shown!

    great thread... It was nice to see the images that the FLIR displays.. Now we need to come up with a solution to beat it... From what I understand about how FLIR works is that it uses a beem of infrared light, which bounces off objects and back to the the IR sensor on the camera. So if we can...
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    Michigan Growers Tell Your Plans for This Year

    delstele, Im not the one who was bitching because people wouldnt answer my question... I just told you why they were not answering it.. Im not gonna waste my time reading our responding to any more of your comments.. If you cant see the diff between posting questions about growing and...
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    Michigan Growers Tell Your Plans for This Year

    Thank you Thank you very much...! Your right there are no stupid questions but there are correct and incorrect places for questions.. This is a thread in the outdoor growing forum its not a how to use this site thread.. There is a help forum wich has threads that explain how to upload pictues...