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  1. D

    First Real Try, Inherited Casey Jones Clone

    So I've tried growing before, read a lot, and killed a few plants. I just got this clone from a friend, and I'm not sure how old it is. It has 9 nodes on the main stalk, and they are alternating. It's about 12" tall right now. The stem looks good and strong, with a little red showing on the...
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    My first grow, custom box, step by step build. Let me know what you think!

    Finished building the box, and putting it in my closet. Now I just have to seal up the joints and run the venting and it's done :D And here's the close-ups of the inside. First, here's the ceiling: And the two sides with light on the left. I'm working on a fix to seal up the back...
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    My first grow, custom box, step by step build. Let me know what you think!

    Just got the emails about my seeds being shipped, time to start designing the light fixtures.
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    My first grow, custom box, step by step build. Let me know what you think!

    Alright folks, still waiting on seeds/lights to arrive, but in the mean time I decided to build myself a "terrarium cabinet" to grow in. I say this because when I went to borrow my dad's tools at his place, I needed a cover story :D Anyway, the main idea I had in mind when I was planning the...
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    Plants with similar growth patterns/requirements?

    Thanks man, I'll give that a shot.
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    Check here, here, and here. Those are good places for basic info that I've found so far. Just keep looking around. Also, you could look at people's grow journals, that has helped me understand how it all works as well.
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    Virgin here, teach me wise ones.

    I appreciate the responses so far! I'm really leaning toward CFL if for no other reason than it seems easiest to not fuck up. Also, I have a fairly large electrical bill as is (I'm a computer nerd with several rigs running non-stop) and I like to keep my place cold, so my AC is constantly...
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    Virgin here, teach me wise ones.

    Hi folks, I'm preparing for my first grow (and subsequent first toke), and I wanted to post the plan I've got so far, and ask for any suggestions you all might have, and since I want to do it with CFLs I figured this would be the right place to start. Here's the stupidly large walk-in closet...
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    Plants with similar growth patterns/requirements?

    Hi! I'm daveytrees, and surprisingly enough I've never touched MJ before, however, what with prop 19 on a roll, and a little disposable income coming my way, I thought growing could be a fun and rewarding pass time, at least, that's what you guys have led me to believe :D Anyway, I was...