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  1. Selleri

    Tiny holes in leaves (pics)

    That I do, also which is why I freaked out when I saw the holes on the leaves. :neutral: Didnt even think it might just be damage caused by something else than some little cocknuggets before someone else mentioned the possibility. :grin: Thanks guys.
  2. Selleri

    Tiny holes in leaves (pics)

    That's probably it, as I did change the pots the other day. I had a minor mite problem earlier which left me on my toes.
  3. Selleri

    Tiny holes in leaves (pics)

    So I did my routine check up this morning to find a couple of odd holes on the second youngest leaf pair of one of my A-Trains. I'm puzzled what might have caused them as I didnt find any pests when I checked the plants through. I'd appriciate if someone could share some insight on this...
  4. Selleri

    Young plants going awry

    All I meant that medium (perlite/vermiculite) does not hold enough water to drown the roots, but the rockwool does. I removed the plants from the perlite/vermiculite mix the other day and confirmed that the roots hadnt grown out of the rockwool cube that much. I think the cubes were kept too...
  5. Selleri

    Young plants going awry

    I think you've misunderstood a few things. There is no soil at all, anywhere. Just perlite and vermiculite, the mix doesnt hold enough water to drown the plant and lets most of the water to just run through to the "reservoir" on the bottom. It should be virtually impossible to over water when...
  6. Selleri

    Young plants going awry

    Nope, nor have I ever heard of anyone around here using RO water. How would using RO water affect the plants? I know that you need to compensate certain elements lost from the water with nutes meant for soft water, but as plants this young should generally not need nutes to begin with. The...
  7. Selleri

    Young plants going awry

    While I cant deny the possibility of nute burn after the feeding couple days ago I dont really think that's the problem as the leaves had those yellow/withered tips to begin with, they seemed to have spread a bit after I fed them though. Anyways, if anyone has something to share regarding the...
  8. Selleri

    Young plants going awry

    I have 2 plants that have been getting pretty bad lately and I have not been able to pinpoint the cause. I have not been able to check the pH since I ran out of the liquid tester about a month ago and apparently the local stores have had problems restocking them aswel. So I'm looking to get some...
  9. Selleri

    Coco Growers Unite!

    Now there's a thing I should've given a thought before starting with coco. Going to continue giving them nutes carefully, around 1.25ml/liter with every watering. It's a bit unfortunate, but only coco available around here is the bricked kind processed by GHE, they atleast state that the...
  10. Selleri

    Coco Growers Unite!

    Actually the situation has gotten a lot better. The one identified as the bucket #1 is in really bad shape, but still better than what it was. Now the #2 has really taken up a spurt in growth and looks great apart from the odd yellowish/brownish spots on the first pair of single finger fans, had...
  11. Selleri

    Coco Growers Unite!

    Quoting my posts from an another thread to see if I can find answers here. Decided not to stress about it anymore, if they wont grow, they just wont. If that is the case, I'll just end this short and start over with a regular coco grow instead of a coco hempy buckets. All I would loose is a...
  12. Selleri

    Idiots Guide To Coco Coir

    Now about a day later I've noticed improvement in the situation, plants are not nearly as droopy but the yellowish tint havent disappeared yet. Thinking of giving them both around half a liter of water with 1-2ml per liter canadian xpress ulticoco growth (normal dosage is 5-7ml / liter) and the...
  13. Selleri

    Idiots Guide To Coco Coir

    I've run in a problem with my second coco grow. The two Sage 'n' Sours have been in coco/vulcaponic (~65/35) hempys for about a week and a half now and the growth has been really slow, they are still developing the first actual set of fingered leafs. Now that has bothered me for few days...