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  1. S

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Ok cool bro, on my next grow I am going 2 get 4 air pots and grow 2 diff strains (pineapple express and Swiss cheese) will my 250w cfl be ok for 4 in veg and then maybe a 250w hps for flowering? Also I don't have a reflected hood atm, I'm planning on getting one for my second grow but it is...
  2. S

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Do u guys think that. 250w cfl will be enough light for 2 plants for veg and flower I kno a lot of ppl say use hps for flower but this is my first grow and can't afford another light. One my next grow I am going 2 get a hps aswell but do u think the cfl will get me through this grow? I am a bit...
  3. S

    The UK Growers Thread!

    iv got 2 plants under a 250w cfl they are quite bushy and the nodes are very close together. I need 2 get to a pc so I can upload images, I can't figure out how 2 post pics off my I phone.
  4. S

    The UK Growers Thread!

    I felt the same after watching pineapple express the first time but then I watched it again a few months later and I was in stiches defo one of the all time gratest stoner movies lol
  5. S

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Well I ordered 5 feminised beans from attitude the other day so I'm gonna go 4 it. My bag seed grow is nearly at 6 weeks old now so gonna start my next grow in about a month. Ps my plants are like 8 inches tall at 6 weeks it seems prity small 2 me or am I jus beein parinoid?
  6. S

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Alot of my fan leafs at the bottom of the plant are dieing and are turning yellow around the edges is this normal?
  7. S

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Wot are the signs of spider mites???
  8. S

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Ok nice 1 ppl I will check the pineapple chunk :) was also thinkin about ordering sum vanilla kush but from photos yeilds look quite small
  9. S

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Has any 1 ever grown pineapple express b4 if so can I get a bit of feed bk. Mass respect :D
  10. S

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Yeah man attitude are the mutts nuts I ordered sum femanised pineapple express beans and never the less they were at my door the next day :D
  11. S

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Wass up ppl! 5 and a half weeks into veg now and I think both my plants are female growing nice branches and can see 2 hair like things on each node and branch. Jus one question alot of the lower origanal leafs (not leafs on branches) are going yellow around the edge is this normal and if so do...
  12. S

    The UK Growers Thread!

    At wot age should ur plants start skinkin at???
  13. S

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Oi oi ppl how's it goin my plants are gettin on quite nice now shot up to about 6 inch and are startin. 2 stink the place up after jus 4 weeks of veg is that a good sign of it being female? Ty 4 all the advice overe the last month :D
  14. S

    Sweet! Iv got my 2 under a 250w cfl but I'm thinking of getting a hps wen there ready for...

    Sweet! Iv got my 2 under a 250w cfl but I'm thinking of getting a hps wen there ready for flowering but I'd rather jus use my cfl start to finish but ppl tell me not to so I'm still undecided lol.
  15. S

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Help! Jus got home and one of myplants leafs are drooping!? Does this mean I over watered it?
  16. S

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Well that ain't to bad then jus bought sum nutes but it's only cheap all purpose fert, do you recon it would b a wise idea? Nd wots an autoflowering plant??
  17. S

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Quick question ppl I still ain't got round to gettin any nutes for my plants there jus over 3 nd a half weeks I'm kinda thinking weather to not even bother and jus grow it au naturel, how much bud wud I be losing not givin it nutes?
  18. S

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Just ordered 4 airpots they look shit hot can't wait 2 start my next grow in them gotta wait another 2 months for the grow I got on the go at the mo to finish :/
  19. S

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Oh my days! there is to many nutes online I can't make my mind up lol
  20. S

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Yeah I kno can't wait 4 by girls to bud but there only 3 weeks old so got a while yet :( lol