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  1. B

    Need Help??? Ask away!

    alrite dude in need of some help just started a grow of greenhouse big bang and the church im quite new to this just wana no a few things: when should u start the 12/12 like i.e what height or just when u feel its ready? before the 12/12 what hours isit with lights on and off or they on...
  2. B

    My Growitup Greenhouse Grow 2010

    need some advice on growing bigbang as i've just started would love too hear from you with some tips?
  3. B

    Greenhouse bigbang

    Guys, Just started growing big bang, need some useful tips if anyone could help i would appreciate it!? When too start 12/12? What you have too do before you start 12/12? Nutrients, what's the best? How much they need watering a day? thanks
  4. B

    Just chopped my greenhouse big bang

    hi, just started growing bigbang and church, just wanted some useful tips that might help the grow..:roll: how many times a day water ? best time too start 12/12 etc? thanks bongsmilie