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  1. gospeedracergo

    Lowryder #2 / Super Lemon Haze / Bubba Kush

    well i didnt update this as much as i wanted too... the summer got crazzzyyyyyy so here is what the Bubba Kush looks like now :D from afar close
  2. gospeedracergo

    not sure what to do about her :(

    doubt it, could have just been a bad seed as it really should have popped its casing weeks ago
  3. gospeedracergo

    Lowryder #2 / Super Lemon Haze / Bubba Kush

    R.I.P. Super Lemon Haze lady i'll update with new pictures of the other two ladies, that are doing really really well
  4. gospeedracergo

    not sure what to do about her :(

    sad day, she finally bit it. looked promising but, as *BUDS said, she didnt have enough energy to go on. she shriveled up to nothing over the past 36 hours.
  5. gospeedracergo

    not sure what to do about her :(

    update put the bag w/ elastic over, shaved down some toothpicks to create mini "prye bars" let it sit in the sun with the bag for a few hours, and just now, used the toothpicks to pop the casing off, and we have 2, healthyish looking cotyledon (right?) leaves. charging my camera, so will take...
  6. gospeedracergo

    2011 New England Adventures

    looking good! how big were the scratch marks of the digging? smaller than a dog? or were they more noselike?
  7. gospeedracergo

    not sure what to do about her :(

    ^ i should have thought about that, silly me, i just dont want to burn it now that its 90+degrees out, its got a bag over it now and condensation is building up, how long you figure til i try to pop it off?
  8. gospeedracergo

    not sure what to do about her :(

    i would start over with this one, but its the only seed i had of it... so im gonna try to take the casing off. and no its not backyard soil its a loam mixture, been doing it this way for a few years now with almost perfect results. this year i have had that odd mutated lowryder and now this. i...
  9. gospeedracergo

    Lowryder #2 / Super Lemon Haze / Bubba Kush

    so we have an update! both good and bad left is the bubba, right is the lowryder (day 21) now where is that Super Lemon Haze you may ask... well i am not sure whats going on with it, but could use some help over in this thread
  10. gospeedracergo

    not sure what to do about her :(

    so the Super Lemon Haze... its been 21 days now... and she hasnt popped yet. i thought it was a water issue at first, but now, i just have no idea my other 2 raised the same way, are very healthy. i just dont know what to do now any help or advice would be MUUUUUCH appreciated
  11. gospeedracergo

    Lowryder #2 / Super Lemon Haze / Bubba Kush

    ^i was thinking about doing that in the hole in the ground once they are big enough. the other 2 are doing great still, but the SLH still has the casing on it, it is more open, but its still on it... i think its a bit long for that to be happening, right?
  12. gospeedracergo

    I Have Never Seen This Before

    indeed she is, check my grow thread to see how she looks now, very excited, thanks for your help!
  13. gospeedracergo

    Lowryder #2 / Super Lemon Haze / Bubba Kush

    hey hey all only plants, plan on mothering the Kush and the Haze all started germ, 5/16 Lowryder #2: started out a little sad: but, 3 days later, she looks like (day 11) Super Lemon Haze for some reason, she hasnt popped yet, casing is starting to split though (day 11) Bubba Kush...
  14. gospeedracergo

    I Have Never Seen This Before

    thanks! its the wind, helps them grow strong. thats one of the greatest benefits of being an outdoors plant :D so that little lady, she is now showing her 2nd first leaf, so im not worried anymore. getting my grow journal pics in place later today
  15. gospeedracergo

    I Have Never Seen This Before

    yeah its seedling soil, use that cuz these babies go in the ground after this my first grow (3 years ago) was with "normal" garden soil... and by normal it was loam (get a yard of that for my normal gardens) but that year (1st grow) i battled bugs with my plants, never again. and today, can...
  16. gospeedracergo

    I Have Never Seen This Before

    ^ just did that after looking at the plants :D thanks!
  17. gospeedracergo

    I Have Never Seen This Before

    that could have been what happened, as it was pushing the casing started to cut the leaf, came out, and when the casing fell off, it damaged it and never really properly grew and yeah, not sure why my soil got hard... like i said, its been really awful weather
  18. gospeedracergo

    I Have Never Seen This Before

    yeah, the sun has been out most of the day, and the first leaves are now showing alot more. i was just getting really bumed cuz i was excited to see this Lowryder on a sidenote, im gonna start some grow logs on these 3 new plants
  19. gospeedracergo

    I Have Never Seen This Before

    haha yeah, i just took a magnifying glass to see if there are indeed first leaves in there, and they look to be there.
  20. gospeedracergo

    I Have Never Seen This Before

    yeah... this weather has been awful. there was no leaf in the casing so not really sure. we will see in the upcoming days what happens with the true leaves... just was wondering if this was somthing that has happened to anyone before thanks! (and before someone says "why did you rip the casing...