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  1. MF DOOM

    Imprtant Question On Flowering Period.

    Thanks for the replies.The last 3 answers make a clear point as to why I posted this thread, in case people thought my question was pointless. The last three answers can affect your harvest dramatically, if you let week numbers influence picking. So I guess this week coming up is #7 by "The...
  2. MF DOOM

    Rice dry?

    It's a good way to dry small batches to see if that produces more desirable results in terms of burn, taste etc.As for drying, it does work.People dry their table salt like this, or just keep it from clumping, with rice. Also, considering that you are not using heat or moving too much air over...
  3. MF DOOM

    first Grow, Am i ready to chop? Day 59 Soil.

    Also, remove that black background, it is absorbing your light rays...Go with something white/reflective! Let's see those Sativas!
  4. MF DOOM

    Imprtant Question On Flowering Period.

    See what I mean about different versions.Thanks for the response man, this is driving me nuts.
  5. MF DOOM

    Imprtant Question On Flowering Period.

    I don't want to rush it. Wow, everybody must be so damned anxious to harvest that you assume everybody is in a rush. I got enough head bud to last me, I don't want to rush my kidding?!?! All I wanted to know was the official start point for the week count.I've got one strain that...
  6. MF DOOM

    Imprtant Question On Flowering Period.

    Bump.What happens to be the true answer?
  7. MF DOOM

    Imprtant Question On Flowering Period.

    I haven't found clear cut answers ever on when these weeks start, and like I said I've read that some consider it to start once it's "budding" well. I've done some research, and I know it takes constant observation, so where did I ever say that I thought there was a "ding, my buds are done"? I...
  8. MF DOOM

    Imprtant Question On Flowering Period.

    Bump. I've really never seen this information documented, and you would think it'd be one of the most important pieces of info on the damn subject. Seriously...there is a huge difference between the two weeks that I don't know for sure is factored in or not! A 1990 edition of the Marijuana...
  9. MF DOOM

    Imprtant Question On Flowering Period.

    I haven't read one thing on the net that actually explains this...what is the actual start-point when talking about weeks of flowering? I mean, say an Indica takes 8 weeks..ok, does this mean from the first day you turn the lights down?Or right when they show sex? Don't you have to figure in...