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  1. T

    It was a good run.

    I didnt mean literally "buds", just spots where it started budding and seeds came in, people on this forum told me to put it into flower that small.
  2. T

    It was a good run.

    So its been 19 days since I started flowering, signs were clear a few days ago and I just got around to chopping it down, its a boy. Im not too worried about it though, I learned a lot and next time will be much better. I counted about 15 spots where buds were coming in, which seems decent for...
  3. T


    Just thought Id post a picture of how shes doing, she perked back up really nice.
  4. T


    Haha yeah thanks man, and shes already perking back up, I guess it was just really thirsty.
  5. T


    Thanks man, I appreciate all the help.
  6. T


    Nah I dont consider it being mean, just advice, or criticism, thats what this newbie section is for, hah. Im not too worried about a big yield anyways, It was more of an experiment, if I get any bud off it at all Ill be happy. Id rather put my time and effort into a feminized seed anyways.
  7. T


    Yeah I gave it a good bit of water, Hopefully it will perk back up. but It wasnt really my idea to flower this early, but I have a little bit smaller grow area and a few people on here suggested that I start flowering, so I did.
  8. T


    I watered like 3 days ago, and the soil was really dry when I went to check on it today so I watered it just a little bit ago.
  9. T


    Well, Its been one week since I started flowering, and the plant was doing fine but I went to check on it today and its extremely droopy and Im not really sure what happened, considering it was fine a few days ago. I have before and after pictures, anyone know what happened?
  10. T

    Grow setup

    Yeah I guess Ill start flowering maybe Ill get lucky and get a female, haha. And I havent been ph-ing my water because we have well water and it doesnt have chlorine or anything in it. But I did put those plant food sticks in the dirt a while ago, if Im about to start flowering I should take...
  11. T

    Grow setup

    I just got done watering and I figured Id take some pictures of my grow area and how my plant is doing. And I recently clipped the two very small leaves at the bottom because they were drying up, but everything else seems to be fine.
  12. T


    Hah, I never thought of posterboard, pretty cheap and simple, Ill probably get some soon.
  13. T


    Umm, about every 2 or 3 days or when the soil is dry.
  14. T


    Yeah, I might see what else I can do with my grow area, but as long as the plant is gonna be alright its all good, and thanks for all the advice man, I appreciate it.
  15. T


    Alright, thank you, I got rid of all the foil. The new light will have to wait for another day but ill get it eventually, I have time. And I didnt wanna post a whole new thread for this, but now my plant is drooping a lot at the top where the new leaves are coming in, does anyone know how I can...
  16. T


    I know that foil is bad but I dont really have much else to work with, so Ive just been keeping a close eye on it and everythings green on the plant. Would it be better to tear down the foil and have just cardboard walls instead of the foil? And, yeah I only have this one plant and Id like to be...
  17. T


    Anyone? Any advice at all?
  18. T


    I recently changed around my grow area, my previous setup was in a fish tank with some 4 ft flourescents, and a small fan blowing, I was having issues with stretching and a very weak stem. Just today I completely re-did it, and I now have a small intake fan in a 2'2" x 1'2" x 2' box, the sides...
  19. T

    First grow, what should I do?

    Thank you, I just put some new soil in, and watered it a little so Ill lay off watering it as much and see how it goes. I appreciate the advice, and if anyone else has any suggestions Im open to them.
  20. T

    First grow, what should I do?

    Hi, Im new to this forum, and Im having some trouble with my first grow. I just got a bag seed and decided to germinate it, and I planted it just to see how it goes. Im growing in a fish tank with some aluminum foil on the sides and a 4 foot fluorescent fixture with two tubes 40w each. Ill move...