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  1. L

    too much co2? regulator broke.

    Now it seems as if my plants are suffering. Didn't notice till the next day, my ppm's went past 4000 ppm, and now my plants look like shit (droopy and turning light green. I think they will recover, but has this happened to anyone else?
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    C4C in Sacramento foothills area?

    Whats up with these guys? They had some good meds.
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    Is this nute burn or some type of deficiency?

    Jpill, thanks for the advice. I think i will go back to the 6 part cutting edge, but after adding just a bit more calcium the problem went away. Now the plants looks healthy and not showing any signs of def. thanks for the input..
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    Is this nute burn or some type of deficiency?

    looks like mag def. thanks blg. I was halfing the required amount according to dosage reqs. those guides are helpful
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    Is this nute burn or some type of deficiency?

    jpill, i'm using botanicare cal mag, I was using the six part system with cal mag and mag amp but my ph was always all over the place so i am trying this system. I am running soil and my ph is always between 6.2 and 6.5. I am getting that same leaf on the upper and lower branches. 2 weeks...
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    Is this nute burn or some type of deficiency?

    I am thinking deficiency because I am running my PPM's super low (350). I am using the cutting edge 3 part and using Cal Mag. Any ideas would be appreciated.
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    Mites while curing/drying

    thanks good info, got sticky traps and the buds were already hanging upside down and i will def clean the shit out of the room. small space so it shouldn't be too big a problem
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    Mites while curing/drying

    They have only been hanging for 3 or 4 days and prob have another week
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    Mites while curing/drying

    Help, I have mites while hanging them to dry! They don't really seem to be on the buds themselves but have migrated to the tops of the stems and are webbing like crazy. I thought I had the problem solved previously but they must have hatched some eggs. Do i need to be seriously concerned...
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    Anyone running Co2 without a sealed room? (A/C unit)

    Is it a total waste of time? Or if anyone has idea's or if they are currently using a system without A/C, i'd like to hear about it. thanks, newbie here. I have been given a controller, co2 tanks and everything needed to run Co2, would i be wasting money refilling the tanks? the guy who...
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    Flushing question?

    When flushing the final week or two weeks during flower in soil, should i be dumping the water that collects in the tray? this would make sense because otherwise the plant would just be reusing the salts, etc. that i just flushed out, correct?
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    Question about co2 setup

    I was given a sentinel chhc-4 control unit, so i am planning on adding Co2 to the flower room. I've heard that the room needs to be completely sealed for co2 to work. My room is not completely sealed and i have an exhaust fan on 24hrs a day. Would it still be worth using the co2? Also, if i...
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    Good question about repotting!

    Any insight would be helpful. When i originally potted my girls i used half of a three gallon bag. My question is, if i fill the rest of my 3 gal bag with soil, after i lollipoped, will the roots grow upwards? Or am i just wasting a bunch of soil? If the roots would grow upwards it seems...
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    extreme cupping on top half of plant leaves, yellowing and crisping? Black Dom?

    i was thinking of topping all the really stressed leaves? think this is a good idea? I don't think they would recover. I'm still in veg and want to give them 2.5 more weeks.
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    extreme cupping on top half of plant leaves, yellowing and crisping? Black Dom?

    I hit mid to high 80's for a week or two, I was using t5's so i don't think they were that close to the light? I can't ph after because i don't have a ph meter. After I add nutes the color gets distorted so i can't tell my ph. Maybe heat stress but i thought they would of recovered by now...
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    extreme cupping on top half of plant leaves, yellowing and crisping? Black Dom?

    Gonna give this a shot, I have a few black doms and within the past few weeks the top half of the plants have cupped and curled downwards. I thought at first maybe it was my ph was off, but i have another strain or two and they don't seem to be affected (maybe the other strain is more tolerant...
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    girl scout cookies

    any idea if the clubs in Sacramento that are offering cuts and finished product is the real deal?