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  1. MeanGreenFarmingMachine

    Yellowing of leaves + Brown pistils after 1 month flowering??

    Hey dudes and dudettes, iv been flowering a plant that used to be a mother. She had been producing clones for about 3 months. She has been in flowering for almost 4 weeks now (4 more weeks to go) and i can see pistils starting to turn brown already? The buds that have the brown pistils also...
  2. MeanGreenFarmingMachine

    How To Launder My Money?

    Dude, you have to buy silver or gold with it... The purchasing power of that money wont be worth much if the dollar collapses. Plus you'll get a huge profit.
  3. MeanGreenFarmingMachine

    Any cold/wet/frost resistant strains out there? (Eastern Canada)

    My whole grow (GHS's Super lemon haze and White widow), messed up because of a couple of cold nights mixed with rain... Im on the 49th parallel, its possible to get an out of the blue night frost even as soon as mid sept here... Around early octobre, temps can go way down during nights, id...
  4. MeanGreenFarmingMachine

    what are the best strains for the east coast??

    Hey man, I grow near Ottawa and since my whole grow messed up due to cold temp this year (GHS's White widow and Super Lemon Haze), iv been doing alot of research on the topic lately. Im preety sure that what Your looking for are strains that can handle BC climate... Theres a couple strains made...
  5. MeanGreenFarmingMachine

    FROST: general rules from experience....

    What area are you from and what strain are you growing?
  6. MeanGreenFarmingMachine


    I got 3 huge plants ripped also. It was in the middle of the season so they took the hole root ball with it to plant them somewhere else... never found them. But you cant let it get to ya so badly, it wouldent be `guerilla` gardening if there was no risk involved. Next year find a better spot.
  7. MeanGreenFarmingMachine

    so going for a 30 lb yield....

    Hey man, 30lbs sounds like ALOT for that grow space... but dont take our word for it, try it! With a setup like the one you described, I personally would see it as a major success to yield half of that, but hey, there's only one way to find out ;) Good luck
  8. MeanGreenFarmingMachine

    FROST: general rules from experience....

    Here`s what my babies looked like 4 days after they suffered from 2 nights of 30f in a row mixed with rain... ... sometimes, mother nature trows a curve ball... expect it.
  9. MeanGreenFarmingMachine

    Any Ready? 5 different plants (PICS!!) HELP!!!

    not ready...if you can, id say 2 weeks still to go
  10. MeanGreenFarmingMachine

    WARNING! Graphic content. Not for the faint of heart. (Before and after pics)

    Actually, my grow was done on a dried up pond. When I went in spring, the ground felt kinda swampy, I needed rain boots because there are streams everywhere during that time. I taught this was a good thing because I taught they would need less hand watering during hot periods... Is it possible...
  11. MeanGreenFarmingMachine

    WARNING! Graphic content. Not for the faint of heart. (Before and after pics)

    Yeah… my baby’s did not make it this year… I knew something was wrong as soon as I got to around 500 meters from the garden because I couldn’t smell shit… All sorts of possibilities were roaming in my mind… “Fucking stealers”…”I Knew I should of put them further away from the trail”… “Maybe...
  12. MeanGreenFarmingMachine

    How far from harvest?

    4 weeks at least....
  13. MeanGreenFarmingMachine

    Eastern Canada Guerilla Grow! 6 casualty's... 10 survivor's ;)

    Yo! I hope everyone is doing fine! I know I am! So far... Iv got 3 plants that have been hijacked, 3 casualty and 10 fine looking lady's ;). YUP! 10 Of my plants are gonna make it! I was really surprised that even some had survived the early july heat wave. I was sure they had died because...
  14. MeanGreenFarmingMachine

    2012 Eastern Canada Guerilla Grow

    Im near Ottawa...and im defenetly not sure they are gonna finnish, all I can do is hope for a good season.
  15. MeanGreenFarmingMachine

    Outdoor grow PICS LSTed sativa

    Thats gonna be a very nice plant bro! I will be lst'ing my entire guerilla grow this season! reaps alot more!
  16. MeanGreenFarmingMachine

    2012 Eastern Canada Guerilla Grow

    Whats up Pep's! Just wanted to share my progress this season! Here are my 5 Super Lemon Haze and 5 White Widow clones. On the right are my 3 Super Bud and 3 BigBang seedlings! On my way to my main garden, I stoped by spot #2 to take a look at my old mothers... The last picture is from the...
  17. MeanGreenFarmingMachine

    What to add in Pro-Mix BX?

    Worm castings a... do you guys know what portions i should put with the pro mix? 1 portion castings and 3 portions promix?
  18. MeanGreenFarmingMachine

    What to add in Pro-Mix BX?

    Hey dudes, my new spot this year is perfect... hidden parking, water, full sun and good camouflage... plus the chances of someone actually wandering there are super slim... The native soil stays soggy all year tho so im gonna haul in my own soil...I really like what pro-mix did for me last year...
  19. MeanGreenFarmingMachine

    20 gal. pots.

    Bigger space will help... but it wont necessarily create a monster plant, there way too many other factors that affect yield. but
  20. MeanGreenFarmingMachine

    Went to my site today, soil is very soggy, advice appreciated!

    kool, smart pots, ill check it out! thx dude