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  1. M

    Bump If You're Baked!

    b-u-m-p bump bump bump
  2. M

    Why Hello Everybody!

    Well, it's a risk I'd take willingly. I mean, she doesn't ever go in there and I have a lock on the door leading into my whole section of the house. IDK, I'll think about it for a little and if I DO decide to grow then you can bet I'll be asking for tips here if I need. Does it really smell...
  3. M

    1.5 gram microwave cooking?

    Last week my girlfriend and I were hanging out and I offered to cook some bud up for us. She REFUSES to smoke because she think's it's "trashy" but is ok with eating it. So, I called a friend of mine and got a 1.5 gram bag of regs. To make things go quicker, I decided to microwave the ground up...
  4. M

    Why Hello Everybody!

    yeah, i live in New York, so growing out doors is a challenge for me until spring. even then it'll be risky. She is not really that cool about it, but she isn't incredible strict. as long as i dont smoke in my house or have any in the house, she's ok with it. She is really against anything...
  5. M

    Why Hello Everybody!

    no, but i wasnt going to ask her lol.. my house has an apartment with a shared kitchen that she use to rent out that (i live in it now), so i have plenty of freedom to grow without being caught. i just cant smoke easily when shes around because of smell.. i figured under my bathroom sink may be...
  6. M

    Why Hello Everybody!

    hello everyone, my names mike and ive been smoking for about 6 years, since i was 12.. ive been thinking about growing lately so that i can rid myself of the whole "calling your dealer" process. still live with my mom, although i pay rent since ive turned 18, and still burn trees like im a...