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  1. J

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    Crap, sun came out and its spawning new pistils on whole plant. :| I hate sativas but I cant give up on this strain.
  2. J

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    OK. I am in trouble. My camera just died so I cant really examine my buds. All pistils are brown except few on the top ... but that bud always keep re flowering. Here are 3 pictures that I managed to take with my broken camera and finger on light sensor :| Any help would be appreciated. This...
  3. J

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    Here are some updated pictures. It was rainy so I'm late. Please advise. You will see new pistils that its growing every day.
  4. J

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    Yes thanks. I will have some more pictures tomorrow.
  5. J

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    I have few nice weather days coming so I will let it have that and chop it before next rainy days. I don't know what else to do I cant flower it forever. I can spot 1 - 2 amber trichomes in 100. I so want to smoke it but wouldn't like to chop it early. Its my first and for now in quantity...
  6. J

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    fdd man, I came to ask for update. Bud on the picture is representative (90% of buds is like this so I wont post 90 pictures :) ) I have a small problem (or not). My plant is growing new pistils every day, especially when it gets few days of sun. So they are appearing all over the plant. So now...
  7. J

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    I know I am PITA. But I have to ask for update. Here is update pic of bud. Looks to me that there are still no amber trichomes. Uploaded with
  8. J

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    fdd man, I chopped one bud to try and dried it in microwave. I smoked it and its not very potent. It gives some fun but totally not enough. 10 days ago U said me it has one more month. So I guess there are 20 days more. Is it normal for plant not to be potent 20 days before harvest? If its...
  9. J

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    Can I chop a little?
  10. J

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    I cant wait dude. Tell me that this one has one more day to be ready. Its in buds from ground and I am visiting it 60 times per day. Will it come faster if i visit it 80 times per day?
  11. J

    Brown spots and holes only on 2 branches around termianl flovers

    Cmon guys? No one saw anything similar? I was looking 1 hour today to spot the pest but nothing there. Lets try to simplify: 1. Pest or 2. Nutrition Any response is appreciated. I am worried for my fat buds. If this happened earlier I wouldn't care but now my joy is there it just needs some...
  12. J

    Purple spot on tops

    Hello, i don't know about purple spots but I have same problems on leaves as you do. Little holes only on those top leaves. If you find what is it please post here. Also please check my picture Do your top leaves look like this?
  13. J

    Brown spots and holes only on 2 branches around termianl flovers

    Ok here is update. I found few ants on the plant and something exactly like 3rd photo on this page on problematic leaves. Do I have aphids? Can they do this. I am thinking if I have nutrition problem it...
  14. J

    Brown spots and holes only on 2 branches around termianl flovers

    Hello, This things appeared few days ago and they are progressing but only on 2 branches they appeared on. I examined some writings about plant nutrition problems and only thing that is close to this is Ca insufficiency. Anyone knows whats happening. No insects spotted.