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  1. valley grower

    Lowering Humidity

    i dont agree out here in cali this week when it got cold at night our humidity goes from 50 to 80 easy. if it is cold where u r right now get a little heater and try to have alot of circulation and a exhaust vent. dehumidifiers r expensive and the cheap ones u have to order online nobody sells...
  2. valley grower

    When to determine male outdoors

    i would say 3 weeks maybe some expert will join in. i wouldnt really worry about it right now it takes awhile for the males to pollinate the females. anybody else have an opinion?
  3. valley grower

    what strain is all of the mexican brick weed?

    in cali we call that bammer
  4. valley grower

    My best friend came back, then stole my girlfriend

    fuck her kharma is a bitch it will come back to both of them. just remember god didnt quit making woman when he made her!
  5. valley grower

    INFESTATION!! Please help!!! Pic attached

    i would say thats some kind of fungus
  6. valley grower

    One of three plants dying, please assist

    haha thanx they r supposed to bounce but it wont do it on my avatar
  7. valley grower

    One of three plants dying, please assist

    is that in a room? it looks like you have alot of moisture in the air
  8. valley grower

    i know im not close but how much longer do i need?

    u shouldnt even be asking yet
  9. valley grower

    Why does my weed taste like crap?

    curing does wonders my friend!
  10. valley grower

    What Will Happen If Prop 19 Passes And Obama Sues Cali?

    lmfao that was great irieie
  11. valley grower

    Friends are trying to get me to consider dropping

    i dont think its good for anykind of brain
  12. valley grower

    Family trying to Narc!!

    ofcourse u should be worried about it its the people who brush that kind of shit off that get put in jail. if its illegal in your state still i would shut it down i have family in oklahoma and have seen some of them get 6 months for having a joint thats alot less than your plants. KEEP YOUR...
  13. valley grower

    Friends are trying to get me to consider dropping

    I think you guys r all crazy for even wanting to do acid. when i was in highschool we used to call friday fry-day. until one friday we were having a good time tripping one of my good friends had a bad trip starting talking all crazy then decided to get butt naked and take off walking down the...
  14. valley grower


    it looks like your growing outdoors and if so it depends on where you live you might be looking at peoples pictures where they r growing in cali and outdoors is always better here
  15. valley grower

    check out my guard frog

    that beats any preynmantis ive ever seen on pot! he looks very happy
  16. valley grower

    Top 3 Celebs u wanna Bang xD

    Jennifer Love Hewitt I would love to bang!
  17. valley grower

    Jar help

    this is my first year growing and i was really suprised how the jars help the mj mine keep getting stronger by the day
  18. valley grower

    Actual Value of Marijuana?

    oh wow didnt realize u could have pounds at your house as long as u dont take it out on the streets on you im going to have to look into that
  19. valley grower

    Jar help

    jar them after u can break the stems burp atleast 2 times a day for a couple seconds if u start to see a little moisture start burping more often and leaving lid off longer