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  1. T

    Need grow advice please!

    Hey guys i live in Maryland (mid atlantic) and I was wondering if I started 12 outdoor plants NOW, and let them grow for 1.5 - 2 months, how much would i yield? So, 12 plants, 50 day grow time, feminized seeds. 1.5 o's per plant, 12 plants...., 18 ounces?? This does seem logical to me, please...
  2. T

    7 foot plant stolen.....

    no its not. although, tell him i feel his pain aswell. its almost like loosing a child. raised it for almost half a year then gone....
  3. T

    Starting my outdoor grow....Now....

    Hey guys i live in Maryland (mid atlantic) and I was wondering if I started 12 outdoor plants NOW, and let them grow for 1.5 - 2 months, how much would i yield? So, 12 plants, 50 day grow time, feminized seeds. 1.5 o's per plant, 12 plants...., 18 ounces?? This does seem logical to me...
  4. T

    7 foot plant stolen.....

    yeah thats what i was thinking, the plant would have yielded 5x more both the potency and weight in late ocotober. whover it was is major dumb ass and a huge asshole. god im so pissed but like the first guy said, when theres bud floating around im gunna figure out.
  5. T

    7 foot plant stolen.....

    Well yeah. Between the hours of 6pm thursday night and 6pm last night, somebody hacked my only outdoor plant. She was 7 feet tall about with around 4 ounces of bud already on her. i came back that night greeted by the stem and botttom to branches of my plant. Im pretty sure it was one of my...
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    What the hell does molasses do?

    Thanks man. And when should i plan on flushing, and how often should i water with molasses?
  7. T

    What the hell does molasses do?

    Hey guys i've been hearing some word about molasses and i'm wondering what exactly it does? Does it make buds bigger/weigh more? And on a side note - How much should i use on my 7 foot outdoor plant? (no nutes are being used) - it is in the soil and planning on it being harvested during the end...
  8. T

    how can i get bigger buds!!!!

    For the size of your plant your doing alright. Try to find some type of flower hardener, thats what im doing. Doesnt necessarily increase size, but weight. which is bassically the same thing. im looking for humbolt flower hardener.
  9. T

    Stoned off imature bud!!!

    jjjjyahhh!! lololol so i went back to the float, thinkin of toke. Where'st' posssible to get an-otha-smoke? Word pops loud, get to the "crowd"? i got back yard, lookin for my smoke. There it i see, a big fat toke. and then i saw my plant and cut the bud. Alright guys so yeah i went to my plant...
  10. T

    What would guess this yield? Pics attached.

    Form this single branch, how much dry bud would i get IF I harvested it now? The center cola at the end is about 5-6 inches long. Also, how much bigger do you think it will be in 7 more weeks? (end of October). Please put your guesses in, plus rep for who does!
  11. T

    Guess yield - DANK F*ING BUD!

    Hey guys this is a branch from my 7 foot Silver Kush/Sour Deisel hybrid. If i were to harvest this whole branch, i would get like like 5-6 grams, right? Btw, is there a time when your plant buds like a bitch, like a whole lot in a short time? Thanks!