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  1. J

    Anyone here allergic to weed?

    this could be a psychosomatic response/anxiety brought on by smoking good weed. i know a feel people who have anxiety problems that are severely amplified by cannabis, and as far as I'm aware it's not uncommon for anxiety to produce hives.
  2. J

    Anyone here allergic to weed?

    sounds like i'm not the only one.. and yeah thank god I can still smoke/vape it and eat "well-prepared" (minimal-leaf) edibles. I've never really worn hemp jewelry or clothing but I'm starting to wonder if that would cause problems for me. Any of you that have had reactions have any experience...
  3. J

    Anyone here allergic to weed?

    i shouldn't say i don't have respiratory problems I do actually have a standard allergic reaction to male pollen but that seems to be more expected.
  4. J

    Anyone here allergic to weed?

    yeah I don't have respiratory problems with it (I do with dogs/cats, and there were some exceptions with leafy edibles), it's really just a skin-contact-rash type of thing. goes away in a couple hours usually.
  5. J

    Anyone here allergic to weed?

    it's possible but I've never noticed a reaction to any other plants (exception being poison ivy a few times)
  6. J

    Anyone here allergic to weed?

    I'm convinced I'm allergic to hemp, like the actual plant material not to smoking it. I've never had an issue from smoking/vaporizing, but if I'm handling either dried buds or live plants and they come in contact with my skin (not so much my fingers but my arms/back of hands) breaks out in...
  7. J

    curious about effect of cuttings being submerged in water for a couple hours

    The discoloration was usually more than just mild yellowing... would eventually red/brown the tips of the leaves and start workign toward the middle until the root were established and new growth began. anyway i wasn't tossing heavy nutrients at it, just a light feeding of gen organics "bioroot"...
  8. J

    growing 12/12 in 22 gallon totes

    could just be urban legend but i always gone by '1 gallon per month'... i grew in a small space for some time and I have to say it's a pretty accurate assessement at least growing in individual buckets (Basically this means if you've been in a 3 gallon pot for 3 months its time to transplant.)...
  9. J

    curious about effect of cuttings being submerged in water for a couple hours

    I took some cuttings two weeks ago, dipped in clonex gel and popped em into some rockwool. I usually have no issues getting cuttings to root just using plain water but the leaves get very discolored toward the end in what I assume is nutrient deficiency. So, to combat this problem I decided to...
  10. J

    pound for my next grow?

    you keep stressing that you're growing for quantity and not quality but I don't think you really understand that there isn't much of a trade off in terms of "how to grow a pound"... if you do things right you'll get both quantity and quality... the only time you might see a "Trade off" of one vs...
  11. J

    Mother plant

    if the cupboard is not air tight, yeah you might be able to get away with it, but your lights (even fluos) will probably cause some heat issues and it's always best to be feeding your plants fresh air.
  12. J

    First grow build, advice appreciated.

    also, listen to the experts, not any clown on the internet. especially me.
  13. J

    First grow build, advice appreciated.

    1) ventilation. don't mean to sound like a dick but if this is your first serious grow you've greatly underestimated you ventilation capacity and needs. get an oscillating fan to circulate the air between the plant canopy and lights as well. you have to have a way to bring air in from the...
  14. J

    Is it necessary to have an Intake?

    air's gotta get in some how...
  15. J

    Clones Die....

    actually been having the same issue, any luck on this?
  16. J

    You think you could grow with this??? LED

    I recently started a grow with a 55w LED (110x0.5w bulbs). Using small tents and sea of green continuous cycle (taking cuttings every week, rooting, short veg, then straight into flower), the LED can only handle plants in the area directly under it (similar to yours that's about 1 sq ft or 4...
  17. J

    Anyone see this article?

    have we forgotten the lesson of jurassic park?
  18. J

    Anybody Used Ona Gel????

    agree on the pro gel smell being offensive
  19. J

    Anybody Used Ona Gel????

    just bought some of it to give it a try (ona pro gel), it works wayyy better than i thought it would. only have a small bathroom closet going (personal medi use), i was using the bathroom exhaust with success to keep the smell out of the rest of my house but the bathroom itself still reeked...
  20. J

    (safe?)ordering seeds for the first time

    greendot gift cards work