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  1. F

    colloidal silver

    I read a lot of diferent post on this topi. same say minimum 30ppm same say 80 ppm now you say its is 300 ppm where do you get thouse number ?! So what ppm i should look? Or it doesn't matter i ordered Tiresias mist
  2. F

    colloidal silver

    ordered this mist, hope it'll work for me. i want same autos for sammer to grow outdoors.Have no time to play with regular and fem is to expensive. And one more thing . If i will breed Big Devil XL X Afghan Kush Ryder. It will be F1 or what ? Both are fem.
  3. F

    colloidal silver

    i'm looking what is working but not the price. Thanks anyway
  4. F

    colloidal silver

    I googled and couldn't find any site related to weed
  5. F

    colloidal silver

    have u tired it ? is it working ?
  6. F

    colloidal silver

    I need help with purchasing colloidal silver, there is lots of diferent brands. I want to know witch is what. And witch one you guys tried and foun it working. Cheers
  7. F

    colloidal silver

    need help with purchase colloidal silver
  8. F

    tiresias mist

    where did u get that Colloidial silver and what ppm it was ?