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  1. N

    Bugs and bud rot WTF are these things?

    Thanks for the help guys. I found 5 of those hungry bugs today. They are hard find. Is that Safer Caterpillar Killer OK to spray so close to harvest?
  2. N

    Bugs and bud rot WTF are these things?

    Highs in the 70's and low 80's with lows around 50-60. Humidity is averaged at 74 with max 90 and low 45.
  3. N

    Bugs and bud rot WTF are these things?

    They are spreading too. What can I do to keep these fuckers from eating all of my bud?
  4. N

    Bugs and bud rot WTF are these things?

    There are what seem to be eggs and some rot on some of the colas on my bud. What kind of bugs are these and what can I do about them? Please help! Thanks.[ATTACH=CONFIG]
  5. N

    Need help with paranoid landlord

    My landlord just changed her mind about letting us grow on her property (San Jose, CA) after she read about federal laws. Does anyone know of any literature or tactics that can ease her mind? She is threatening us with destroying the plants and eviction! Please help me save our babies.
  6. N

    Warped, dark green, upward curling leaves with a few brown spots

    This seems like it could be a combination of problems, and I have no idea what to do about it. Other leaves at the bottom are drooping down. The ones at the near top have edges that are curling upward. A few leaves at the bottom have some brown spots with no other discoloration. Help is...
  7. N

    Seedlings going nowhere...

    My seedlings germinated 2 weeks ago, but have made very little progress since then. They appear to have been stunted by something, but I am not sure what. I am growing UK Cheese from seed in Growdan rockwool under T5 2 foot 4 tube flourescents for 24 hrs a day. I give them nothing but 1-1.5 oz...