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    Marijuana Causes Bad Stomach Problems, Etc.

    I know this is an older thread, but I feel like the addition of fresh aloe vera gel could possibly(will) help alleviate stomach problems. If you can't find fresh aloe.. You can always grow it. :) It's good for so many things, so eat it! Hell, I'm pretty sure I read something about how a horse...
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    Hey I just came across your thread about pfr/pr and using blue and far red lights during the...

    Hey I just came across your thread about pfr/pr and using blue and far red lights during the night cycle, ever gonna start that 45 days to flowering thread? I'm very interested!
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    Drowning Plant Prior To Harvest

    Thanks for the info and the quick reply Brimi! Another question I have is that riddleme advises that the plants need plenty of N during the drown to properly execute the technique... What about if it dropped a majority of her fan leaves during flower? Will this affect the chemical...
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    Drowning Plant Prior To Harvest

    I wasn't sure if I missed it hopping around riddleme's threads but what is the preferred PH of the water used to drown? Riddleme, if you or another experienced mentor can answer this, you advise to leave lights on for continuous growth as opposed to the theory of post-harvest darkness...
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    Pre flowers in late veg..

    Hello everyone I am seeking expert knowledge as I am a noob. I am thinking male but let me give you more information: third month into 18/6 on 400w MH, one of three, other started showing pistils and the other no signs of sex. Main question is, is this a for sure male or do I need to convert to...
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    2010 Revised Super Soil Recipe

    Hey I got everything for the SS mix and I had my lady go to the store while I was at work to get some humic acid and she came back with BioAg Ful-Power liquid Humic acid. What is the ratio compared to powdered? How much will I need to use for the mix? Ive been looking allllllll over the 'net to...