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  1. ArcticBudz330

    Outdoor to Indoor??

    i currently have multiple crops growing both in and outdoors, my outdoor plants are roughly 5-6 ft tall at this point and are budding quite nicely if i say so my self. ok so heres my question... would it be a bad decision to move these plants indoors? the only reason i am asking is because like...
  2. ArcticBudz330


    whoa first off, yes, fuck the system. no matter if the crop is for personal use or for monetary gain one should not be punished for it. its a fucking plant!!! and secondly if you know what you are doing is illegal...(only because a bunch of uptight government pricks say it is)..., dont tell...
  3. ArcticBudz330

    Sativa droopy cant seem to find the answer HELP please ..

    rootbound is a possibility, however overwatering is most likely the problem, when a plants roots are not receiving enough, or to much nutrients the plans will droop. especially the lower leafs of the plant