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  1. angel perez

    Who Needs Help?Ask Here..

    hey well my plants starting to shrivel up it only 2 weeks ilive in arizona i put it outside every day i water it to i use miracle grow moisture control nd now my plantz dieing could it be bkuzz of over watering herez a pic
  2. angel perez


    from like 95 107 ithink i am over watering my plant
  3. angel perez


    wat type of lights
  4. angel perez


    so where should iput it its way to hot for outside
  5. angel perez


    no lights just sun and im using mircale grow moisture control iput it outside like at 8 and water it then go to work come home at 3 itz pretty hot oustide im thinking of puting it on my window sill alot of sun but not ass intese and hot . any advice if need more pictures ill take them
  6. angel perez


    no lights just sun
  7. angel perez


    :cry: after watz wrong well i got this bud plant shez only about a week old she growing good then all of a sudden she stared shriveling up at the tips and get worst and dnt know what to do any help!! ilive in az also iput it outside in the sun is that good any suggestions herez a pic of it...
  8. angel perez

    ineed help

    ineed help