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    DWC Solution

    shout put , to the secret ingredient..that no ones tells you about; Hydeigen peroxide is yo friend!
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    The best type of lights

    any heard about these aqua lights setup? and cna tell me more about it... cuz lemme tell u , thr price is right!
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    The best type of lights

    Hola farmers: I'm on my second grow...and this is what i got going on : 200swag seeds to be planted outdoors...currently in germination stage; and will should be ready for seeding tray under a T5 light,and w/ warming pad within a week. I also ordered: Kannabia Seeds Automatica BCN Diesel...
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    need help with making aeroponic system

    the stronger the better; u wanna make sure those nozels sping hard. The salt builds up faster than i care to sux so for my 5 gallon i used a 10hps