And also the kens gdp could have been from seed and been a different expression of the cut but for sure the king klone seeds except a few are kens seeds just rebranded he use to be the main breeder for ken ken till they fell off and he took all of kens shit
Bro you guys should look up the law People vs kelly the cal supreme court ruled they can't limet the numbers of plants you grow look it up and stick it to the offcials in butte and since you guys arw rallying for this at the same time get ready to fight to keep cali medical and not recreational...
If you have a blue dream og or sour your going to want to wait till 15-20 any earlier its not going to be fire unless its a 8 week strain it should be done now
No I dont care about selling it I just wonder how people pill it off because I always get mold problems even with air flow and thinning out the canopy and they test there stuff at thos3 places
I would like to know what you growers here in nor cal do to control the mold enough to make your flowers vend able to place like Harborside and bpg I tried green cure and actinovate and that stuff didn't work still got bud rot so how is it you guys still get it to dispensarys
Hey double jj when can I put my clones outside in my area we are at 14 hours and 28 mins of daylight and I have had my clones on 15/6 light schedule for a month now
The haze used to make blue dream is just haze not super sliver haze and not nevills nev got his haze from santa Cruz and worked it to get a much lower flowering time but it originally comes from santa Cruz ca