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  1. 4

    perfect strain for wet climate

    me to me to i want to know that aswell, northern light does alright...
  2. 4

    oregon outdoor 2010 questions help!

    hi im a longtime indoor grower firstime outdoor. Just wondering what everyone thinks of this season, everyone i have heard from said they are not yealding what they should for this time of year?? also i have been taking a little mold off every day not a hole lot considering the size of plans...
  3. 4

    600 watt vs. 1000 watt for new flower room

    it the lumens the bulb probuces that matters and i have put thosand watters in that small of a area it all about keepin it cool and there are many different kind of hoods for different light spreads i would go thousand watters for shure for flower
  4. 4

    Almost 15 weeks into flower and still not done!!!

    cut them and start over
  5. 4

    Closet full of plant have seeds but no males or hermis

    could be stress from new ferts or heat or power outade or?
  6. 4

    Its Growing really slow suggestions?

    more light more wont think it worth your time if you uuse that little of light in my opnion i wouldent use less than 400 watts the more the better and make shure there is airflow
  7. 4

    CHECK IT: Massive 5Ft plant,, 3-4 Weeks Into Flowering!!

    pull the dead stuff out and tie that thing up and watch out for slugs and mold if it gats a lot of water from rain
  8. 4

    small buds and all the hairs are already brown?

    i think your problem is the rain an mildew/mold? i have had that happen before when it gets rainy
  9. 4

    water Nutrients flushing

    fert every water unless they are unhealthy, only water as needed to keep slightly damp not wet small ones dont need water as much and it depends on heat and air flow as well you dont need any other testers yet just check the ph i think 6.5 to 6.8... get ferts for the age as well seedlings are...
  10. 4

    The cheapest mini grow box you will ever see !!!

    you inspire me i am going to make a grow box out of a shoe box and put a keychain led light in there! nice im stoked!
  11. 4

    New grow room, about to make the big purchase, advice please.

    how many lights? i would go 8 in ducts for shuer though. the bigger the hood the hotter your room may get. and do use good soil, pests come from bad dirt. make shure to get a carbon filter for the square footage you will need
  12. 4

    Is my seedling budding?! Pics

    they are in bud my son
  13. 4

    pruneing to help mold groth?

    ya i did the same it does not look like it affected them thanks guys the weather is gettin better!!!!
  14. 4

    3000W grow heat?? +rep for help

    basements are the best but if you dont have one run your lights at night and draw fresh air from outside at night
  15. 4

    hom much rain is too much?

    thanks bro
  16. 4

    pruneing to help mold groth?

    it has been raining a lot i have been thinning leaves to get more air flow... any advice on what works well to fight mold/mildew? besides covering them they are ten foot tall?
  17. 4

    hom much rain is too much?

    ya thats not a option for me they are a lil too big. does mold always start from the inside out on the bud or can it start at the hairs im getting a few questionable ones????
  18. 4

    How do they look.... ALL advice is wanted...

    why did it hermie? light cycle off? looks like you need some fans rippin in there
  19. 4

    hom much rain is too much?

    oregon is getting a lot of rain! when is outdoor usaly done in oregon?? is this year average or poor for outcome?