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    PH Meter suggestions

    I am looking for a new Ph meter (preferably self calibrating, but not necessary) for my Hydroponic DWC Setup. I want something that is around $100 and above all else reliable. Anybody had any luck? Suggestions? Thanks in advance.
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    Solutions for lights being too close

    Done deal. Do you all think that the cola's development will be effected negatively by being bent away from the light?
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    Solutions for lights being too close

    I'll probably tie the cola down then. Just for curiosities sake though, is it even necessary if I can leave my hand under the light?
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    Solutions for lights being too close

    Found a good article on how to's
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    Solutions for lights being too close

    Damn. That just seems fucked up. I can literally leave my hand under the light all day. Is it really necessary? Could I just tie her down?
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    Solutions for lights being too close

    I have a plant that has grown way taller than expected and I am currently short on room in my tent. The plant has grown within three inches of my 400 watt hps light! I realize the recommended distance is around 1 ft but I cannot move my light any further from the top. The plant is flowering...
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    Space Crunching

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    Space Crunching

    I also have a 400 watt mh lamp up top.
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    Space Crunching

    Come on! Won't somebody please think of the children!
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    PH--- Is it better

    Thanks. I plan on it.
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    Space Crunching

    The size of my tent is about 21 inches deep by 3 ft wide and I'm growing DWC.
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    Space Crunching

    I'm growing in two plants in a fair sized grow tent and the plants have just started reaching out (flowering). The two plants have gotten gigantic and the branches from the two have sort of windrowed or interlocked together. Is this going to be a problem? They both have at least a sq foot...
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    PH--- Is it better

    I understand there may be some fluctuation in the readings. However, the readings are big. When I put the meter into the reservoir I get a reading of about 4.5-4.8. When I isolate a sample I get about 6.9-7.10
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    PH--- Is it better

    C"mon people. Won't somebody think of the children!
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    PH--- Is it better

    I see that my the Hanna Checker is notoriously crappy. My two questions still stand though....for future reference.
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    PH--- Is it better

    to stick the Ph meter directly into the reservoir for readings or to isolate a sample and then try for a reading? I have been noticing that there is a few point difference in each of the methods. Is there any criteria for taking a reading? I'm using a Checker by Hanna digital meter.
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    Transplanting (soil to DWC)

    How would I plant these babies? Do I plant them directly into the hydroton?
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    Transplanting (soil to DWC)

    That's what I was figuring. I guess I'm going to have to wing it on this one.
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    Transplanting (soil to DWC) Still no info on when though.
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    Soil to DWC Transplant

    How old were your babies? I am about to do this same thing but am finding a lack of information on the process.