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  1. T Finn

    Let's Debate

    I have faith that God exist. Prove to me I dont have faith. I believe in God and I dont feel the need to invite debate over it to reassure myself. Another fact you should considered is I would rather live my life as a Christian and be wrong than not, and be right.
  2. T Finn

    Best Movie To Watch While High!

    Why is there dog hair on the spatula?
  3. T Finn

    Best Movie To Watch While High!

    New One.. Dinner for Smucks, its like fart humor that makes you think, always remember... The brain tells the mind what to think.
  4. T Finn

    Who Needs Help?Ask Here..

    Picking seeds to buy, and I want to if you can clone autoflower plants and grow togeteher with a 18/6 hour light cycle? Also while Im on it any suggestion on seeds, where to buy, strains? I grow in 4ftx6ft room 400 hsp light in soil, thanks bud.
  5. T Finn

    Where"s the trich?

    I have some Satvia plants, and this happens for the third time. They get looking promising like green coral with lots of little buds and then just turn dark and nevr really form trich, any suggestions? Ive been using Bontanicare Pro Bloom and Liquid Karma. Thanks Buds (cool pun huh)
  6. T Finn

    Lifes a Breach

    Study for one of my sculpt, hope u enjoy