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  1. Blazie

    4 week old Jack Herer - Preflowers - 40x Magnification

    He's already down I'm afraid. I might do that some other time, got a few more JH seeds:weed:
  2. Blazie

    4 week old Jack Herer - Preflowers - 40x Magnification

    Probably is balls. I'll cut him down right away!
  3. Blazie

    4 week old Jack Herer - Preflowers - 40x Magnification

    Hi everyone! My 4 week old Jack Herer has started to show some preflowers. With this being my first grow and all I quickly grabbed my microscope and took the pictures below. Looks like balls to me!:-( Can anyone confirm this male? Or is it too early to tell?
  4. Blazie

    Dry and crispy leaves - 2 week old - Super silver haze

    Alright thanks guys. I'll bring up the lights a little bit then. She really doesn't stretch for light so this might just be the cause. How do you tell the difference between over and under watering anyways? I'm a bit confused in this matter.
  5. Blazie

    Dry and crispy leaves - 2 week old - Super silver haze

    Hi everyone, I'm growing 4 different strains in a SR Jardin DR40 grow tent (First grow). They all look fine except from my Super silver haze. It looks so lousy and sad. Growth seems to be stunned as well. What could be the problem? Heat/light-burn? Over/under-watering? Temps: 73-77F Humidity...